When I was born
I was born on May,17,2002 in Macon, Georgia at approximately 8:20a.m. I came out and I was small, The doctor( her name was Jennifer) looked my dad straight in his eyes, said : Sorry Mr.Moore, your son is dead". I died cause I didn't have enough Oxygen in me, I had my Appendix taken out. My dad said:" My son can't die he won't die". Then the nurse put tubes in my body, so I could have Oxygen, I came back to life. Oh Miracles. -
My dad & me
After I was born, Me and my dad moved to Virginia, we ate snakes, which to tell you the truth, tasted really good. -
1st time in 1st grade
It was August and I got to 1st grade, It was Super FUN, I colored pictures, drew/ colored dinosaurs. I had a teacher, her name was: Ms. Josey, She was a Fun teacher, she was nice too. -
My 1st Girlfriend!!!
In 1st grade I had a crush on this girl I liked, Her name was: Debby. Debby was a Marvelous gal, she had Blonde hair Like golden silk, She had glasses, and she had a tremendous( Beautiful) voice. -
When I got my 1st pet
I had gotten my first pet Squidy. Squidy was black, blue. He was my first ever pet that I had. I fed him, played with him, but sadly, he later died cause I Forgot to clean his fish bowl out. I was 5-6 years-old at the time. -
1st day of school!!!
It was late August, I had turned 6 years old, My dad signed me up for school, when we got there, the teach said i needed to go to a special class. My dad said no and she put me in her class. -
Won A,B Honor roll
I was in 3rd, 4th grade, I have got my report cards, got A"s, B"s, so i won the A,B Honor roll multiple times. At this time, it was really Amazing. -
My 1st dog
In 5th grade, I have got my first dog. His name was Kane, I named him that name. I loved him so much, but he died to cause he had blood coming out his rear side.:(:( -
My 2nd dog
I got another dog. we named him Shadow, cause he was a black Pitbull. He was so kind like Kane, he was also a pit bull. -
North Carolina
I went to N.C. for a visit. It was really cool cause it was my first time their, it was amazing. -
My New Sister
On Oct.23.2014, My little sister Bella which means pretty in Italian, was born. This was a really amazing day for me, my dad, step-mom, cause I have always wanted a little sis. -
Goin to Italy!!!
Me and my dad went to Italy and stayed for 1 year! It wad amazing, I learned some Italian, cause you know, I was new, it was kinda hard. Italy was AWESOME! -
Moved to N.C.
I moved to North Carolina in October of 2014. This is my 2 year here and it's pretty great. I enjoy school, all the activities they have here, I like all my teachers. -
Boy Scouts
I joined boy scouts on November, 20, 2015. Boy Scouts is really fun, we go camping, fishing and enjoying life. -
Went to Wilmington
Me and my boy scout troop went to Wilmington Beach on July, 25,2016, it was really fun W slept in tents, the next morning we went down to the pier, went in the water. it was amazing, we also went to get ice cream, souvenirs . -
Back to Wilmington
I went back to Wilmington beach, with Ms.Deb, some other people, 1 of my boy scout partners Greg. We went to the pier, went to the beach, yeah it's FUN.!!! -
Tried out for football
I tried out for football, but sadly the only reason I didn't get in cause, I didn't get in cause coach said I was afraid of hitting a bag, which is true. -
I recently got back from Deep sea fishing with my Boy Scouts troop, it was really fun, Surprisingly, I didn't get sick, but my friends did:(. -
Bowling League
In October I signed up to be in the bowling league, which I actually been in before, and it's really great to be in you should try. -
Early gifts from mom
I got gifts from my mom, I got the gravity falls journal 3 real life version, I also got the New Lego Ninjago Lighthouse siege set. -
I have plans for my future -
Going to Georgia-Tech
When I'm 18, I am going to go to Georgia-Tech college. -
I'm going to take Engineering classes, in college, their I will do a class about Aerospace Engineering. -
Traveling around the world!
When I get out of college, I am going to travel around the world, just like my Aunt Liz.