
Domigo ugartechea michael gonzalez timeline of the texas rebolution

  • Stephen F. Austin brings 300 colonist

    Stephen F. Austin brings 300 colonist
    the spanish had agreed to let Stephen F. Austin bring colonist from the U.S but the colonist had to be chritsian and had to be loyal to the spanishe goverment source;
  • fredonian rebellion

    fredonian rebellion
    Two brothers, Hayden and Benjamin Edwards, revolted against the Mexican government when they couldn't get their way in a land grant dispute. The Mexican government immediately sent troops along with Stephen F. Austin to put down the revolt. The brothers fled Texas leaving the remaining American settlers under a cloud of suspicion from the Mexican government. source: Source: of Texas Online
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  • Fredonian Rebellion: Mexico wins

    Fredonian Rebellion: Mexico wins
    The Edward brothers are bad for Texas. They don't know what they are doing and just make the Mexican government suspicious of hard working Texans. source:
  • Mier y Teran Report

    Mier y Teran Report
    trade between texas and mexico should be increased in a effort to discoureged trade with U.S. and more solders should be sent to texas
  • Law of April 6th 1830

    Law  of April 6th 1830
    bannded all immigrations from the U.S it to texas illegeal for settlers to bring more slaves into texas canceled all uncompleted empresario contract created by sannta anna
  • Conflict at Anahuac

    Conflict at Anahuac
    It was a meeting that planed an attack wich was arranged Patrick C. Jack in Captin Dorrsat's
  • The Turtle Bayou Resolution

    	The Turtle Bayou Resolution
    it was a meeting to that was about a plan to rebell aginst mexico wich was led by Willam B. Travis
  • Santa Anna takes over the mexican goverment

    Santa Anna takes over the mexican goverment
    santa anna had rebelled against the administrator wich lead to a great fight at the end 3 years later to be exact he was elected to be president of mexico beacause he gave great advice and he had been a govener of Vera Cruz source:
  • Convention of 1833

    Convention of 1833
    it was another meeting that was held in San Felipe it was one of the most agrresive meetings and it settled more ideas to attack mexico and end the law of april 6th
  • Stephen F. Austin is arrested

    Stephen F. Austin is arrested
    Stephen F. Austin had been arrested for giving his opinnion of the law of april 6 beacause santa anna thought that he was starting to be a rebellion source;
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    it was a battle were James Bowie and Santa Anna fought till death in the alamo. there was no mercy so now no survivers from one side where going to live but at the end mexico won and the texans where defeated
  • Battle of Gonzalez

    Battle of Gonzalez
    the mexicans were going to try to get a small canon but texasns raised up a flag that said "come and take it" and when the texans fired the canon the mexicans retreted
  • Convention of 1836 (Texas Declaration of Independence)

    Convention of 1836 (Texas Declaration of Independence)
    Immediately upon the assemblage of the Convention of 1836 on March 1, a committee of five of its delegates were appointed to draft the document. The committee, consisting of George C. Childress, Edward Conrad, James Gaines, Bailey Hardeman, and Collin McKinney, prepared the declaration in record time. It was briefly reviewed, then adopted by the delegates of the convention the following day.
  • Battle of San Antonio

    Battle of San Antonio
    The victory won by the vastly outnumbered men served to impede the progress of Santa Ana's Mexican Army, giving the Texians more time to prepare for the perilous days ahead.
  • Massacre at Goliad

    Massacre at Goliad
    when santa anna brought 500 of his men follwoed by general Jose Urrea with 900 troops. the mexicans went from town to town killing any texan in there way. when they got to thier desteny the texans divieded them self in to three groups to ambuch the mexicans
  • Runaway Scrape

    Runaway Scrape
    it had started when the alamo fell and the end of the battle of San Jacinto. it was a pireod of terror and panic with in the texan settlers while Santa Anna was going and sweeping the settlements of san antonio.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    Sam Houston and the meager army of Texas retreated eastward following the fall of the Alamo in the spring of 1836. The troops were becoming increasingly impatient, however, by the time they reached Buffalo Bayou, a few miles southeast of present day Houston
  • Treaties of Velasco

    Treaties of Velasco
    The two treaties of Velasco were negotiated between officials of the ad interim government of the Republic of Texas and Santa Anna, the Mexican dictator and commander of forces, about three weeks after his capture by the Texans at the Battle of San Jacinto.