
Domančič Promo Timeline

  • Proposal Submission

  • Material Submission

    Materials regarding Mr. Domancic, The specifics of the courses offered, and info about the Hotel , Bled submitted to our side to begin working on the promotional copy. Also the intended start date of the courses, programmes.
  • PR rev 1

    Draft 1 of the PR copy /rebranding strategy submitted
  • PR rev 2

  • PR Final Version/Database

    Final Copy of Press Releases First Database of Media Outlets and variety of strategy options presented.
  • Meeting Review before Campaign

  • Campaign Start

    First tier of mailouts / website goes up
  • Campaign Week 2

    Second tier of mailouts / Feedback and progress report from the previous weeks
  • Campaign Week 3

    Third tier of mailouts / Feedback and progress report from the previous weeks *this might be a time to also pitch a retreat package as a xmas gift
  • Campaign Week 4

    Continued mailouts / Feedback and progress report from the previous weeks.
  • Recap

    Recaps/ Following ups / Summary report continued push and support throughout January for media that would now like to cover etc.
  • END