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Education and Technology
Technology and Education(resource)
In this book, Tettegah explains how technology is taking over teaching in many K12 schools. Tettegah shares how schools should be concered with some areas being involved with technology. Tettegah, Sharon Y., and Richard C. (Professor of educational administration) Hunter. Technology And Education [Electronic Resource]. n.p.: Burlington : Emerald Group Publishing Limited, University of South Florida Libraries Catalog.2006.Web. -
Using Technology With Classroom
In this book shows methods on how technology helps students better understand the classwork. Technology also helps the teachers teach better for the student. Pitler, Howard. Using Technology With Classroom Instruction That Works. Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2007. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost).2007.Web. -
A Tablet Computer for Young Children
In this article the author explains how tablets help students leran better. It makes the students better developing into different areas Couse, Leslie J., and Dora W. Chen. "A Tablet Computer For Young Children? Exploring Its Viability For Early Childhood Education." Journal Of Research On Technology In Education (International Society For Technology In Education) 43.1 (2010): 75-98. Business Source Premier.2010.Web. -
Teaching Naked
Bowen shows how technology is helping college students with learning but also negatively affecting. Bowen gives examples how teachers can also teach better with using technology. Bowen, José Antonio. Teaching Naked : How Moving Technology Out Of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning / José Bowen. n.p.: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, a Wiley imprint, [2012], 2012. University of South Florida Libraries Catalog.2012.Web. -
Students Preference of College Material
Robinson gives examples of the different way students can get thier information, some students like the ebooks while others like the traditional books. Therefore technology shows it can help people wiht learning because they have so many options of learning. Robinson, Sherry1,2, and Hans Anton2 Stubberud. "Student Preferences For Educational Materials: Old Meets New." Academy Of Educational Leadership Journal 16.(2012): 99-109. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson).2012.Web. -
Online text books or hard copies
Lindshield studies whether or not students like the ebooks better or the hard copy books. Most students say they like the ebook option more than the traditional textbooks. Lindshield, Brian L., and Koushik Adhikari. "Online And Campus College Students Like Using An Open Educational Resource Instead Of A Traditional Textbook." Journal Of Online Learning & Teaching 9.1 (2013): 26. Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File.2013.Web.