DoDEA Teacher of the Year 2016

  • NY/VA/PR District Teacher of the Year "Surprise" Annoucement

    NY/VA/PR District Teacher of the Year "Surprise" Annoucement
    I certainly didn't expect this honor - As a matter of fact I was so shocked that I neglected to ask someone take a picture of the annoucement!
  • District Teacher of the Year Recognition - Official Recognition

     District Teacher of the Year Recognition - Official Recognition
  • DoDEA Teacher of the Year Surprise Annoucement

    DoDEA Teacher of the Year Surprise Annoucement
  • Representing DoDEA at the ExxonMobil Teacher Leadership Academy

    Representing DoDEA at the ExxonMobil Teacher Leadership Academy
    Thank you AGI/ExxonMobil for the opportunity to take off my teacher hat and experience STEM as a student.
  • First Teacher of the Year Meeting with Director Brady

    First Teacher of the Year Meeting with Director Brady
  • Presenting the Teacher Leadership Summit Propsal to Director Brady

    Presenting the Teacher Leadership Summit Propsal to Director Brady
    "Your proposal far exceeds my expectations" - Tom Brady, DoDEA Director
  • And so it Begins...

    And so it Begins...
    The end of the first semester marked my last day in the classroom and the first day of my Teacher of the Year Sabbatical. I am experiencing mixed emotions!!!!!
  • Welcome to the Teacher of the Year Family

    Welcome to the Teacher of the Year Family
    Before departing for my first official Teacher of the Year event, my DoDEA State Teacher of the Year predecessors provided me with love, support, and a bag filled with Teacher of the Year travel essentials.
  • National Teacher of the Year Conveening

    National Teacher of the Year Conveening
    Teacher of the Year Conveening - San Antonio Texas
  • Thank You Microsoft

    Thank You Microsoft
    Every State Teacher of the Year received a Surface Pro to use in our classroom.
  • Learning How to "Tell Our Story"

    Learning How to "Tell Our Story"
    Institute of Texan CulturesNational Conveening of State Teachers of the Year
  • Teacher of the Year Recognition Dinner

    Teacher of the Year Recognition Dinner
    I am so grateful for this experience. This has been an exhausting and exhilarating week focused on policy, advocacy, and professional practice!
  • Seeing the Big Picture

    Seeing the Big Picture
    Thank you CCSSO and NNSTOY for a great day of policy and advocacy training!
  • Adding my Name

    Adding my Name
    Just imagine how you would feel if you were asked to sign your name on a map of the United States that is outlined with the names of every State Teacher of the Year that has come before you. Exactly - incredibly honored and humble!
  • Meeting Andy Hargreaves

    Meeting Andy Hargreaves
    I loved listening as Andy Hargreaves shared stories and examples of innovative and progressive education systems around the world! Andy HargreavesNational Summit for Teacher Leadership
  • STOYs at the National Summit for Teacher Leadership

    STOYs at the National Summit for Teacher Leadership
    Four leading education groups brought some of the best and brightest minds from around the country to the 2016 National Summit on Teacher Leadership in Washington, D.C. on Feb. 5-6 to turn ideas into action and empower more educators to lead their professions. National Summit
  • Educators Rising Conference - Germany

    Educators Rising Conference - Germany
    It was so much fun to run an unplugged coding workshop for these future educators!
  • Educators Rising Conferernce - Germany

    Educators Rising Conferernce - Germany
    I loved every minute of this experience!
  • Collaborating with Fellow Teachers of the Year - Germany

    Collaborating with Fellow Teachers of the Year - Germany
    One of the highlights of the Educators Rising Conference was the chance to meet this amazing group of educators!
  • Visting Dahlgren School

    Visting Dahlgren School
    It is a absolute joy to visit a school where the children and teachers obviously love being there and love each other! Walking through these halls made me grin from ear to ear!
  • 2017 District Teacher of the Year Annoucement

    2017 District Teacher of the Year Annoucement
    I was honored to be included in the selection process and surprise announcement of the 2017 NY/VA/PR District Teacher of the Year! Congratulations Menchi!
  • Dirksen Senate Building

    Dirksen Senate Building
    Senate Panel Discussion about Teacher Career Continuums
  • Microsoft Innovation Center

    Microsoft Innovation Center
  • Hour of Code Training

    Hour of Code Training
    Thank you to the folks at Microsoft and for a great day of professional development.
  • Meeting Steve Spangler - Best Day Ever

    Meeting Steve Spangler - Best Day Ever
    Teaching and Learning Conference 2016
  • Chris Emdin Presentation on Reality Pedegogy

    Chris Emdin Presentation on Reality Pedegogy
    Teaching and Learning Conference 2016
  • Wounded Warriors Visit CES

    Wounded Warriors Visit CES
    It was an honor to escort these special visitors as they visited with the students at Crossroads Elementary School! [Newspaper Article](http//
  • Teaching It Forward Scholarship Presentation

    Teaching It Forward Scholarship Presentation
    The University of Phoenix gave me a scholarship for a free Masters Degree to be presented to the recipient of my choice. It was my honor and privilege to give the "gift of education" to Seth Thompson, an amazing high school physics teacher!' >Flickr Album</a> newspaper article (
  • Scholastic Focus Group

    Scholastic Focus Group
    Scholastic wanted to know what the State Teachers of the Year thought were the biggest issues in education today. Lot's of great and diverse discussion!
  • CCRSL Cross Functional Team

    CCRSL Cross Functional Team
    Educators from around the work have been working hard this week in DoDEA Americas Quantico, VA as part of a cross functional team working various aspects of the English Language Arts (ELA) CCR standards roll-out and implementation for next school year.
  • Panel Discussion at AUSA

    Panel Discussion at AUSA
    Great discussion about the need for a national set of high standards.
  • Biden Reception

    Biden Reception
    Dr. Jill Biden challenged the State Teacher's of the Year to advocate for the military child. Her words made my heart happy!
  • Exploring the Smithsonian Museums

    Exploring the Smithsonian Museums
    The 2016 Teachers of the Year received a "behind the scenes tour" and explored the incredible online collections in Smithsonian Learning Lab.
  • White House Recognition Ceremony

    White House Recognition Ceremony
    Pictures cannot begin to capture this experience. The highlight was when President Obama presented me with a Presidential Coin to share with my students - PRICELESS!
  • White House Policy Briefings

    White House Policy Briefings
    Topics included: Excellent Educators for All, Innovation and STEM Education, ESSA Implementation, Early Education and Social Supports
  • Microsoft Innovative Educator Training and Reception

    Microsoft Innovative Educator Training and Reception
  • ASCD

    An amazing opportunity to turn my Teacher of the Year story into a professional video!
  • Teacher of the Year Gala

    Teacher of the Year Gala
    Thank you CCSSO and VOYA for this amazing celebration of teachers. You made each of us feel like a star!
  • 2017 Teacher of the Year Virtual Interviews

    2017 Teacher of the Year Virtual Interviews
    DoDEA is filled with world class educators. I loved listening to the District Teacher's of the Year talk about their professional practice, their classroom, and their passion for teaching. Every one of these teachers is a rock star!
  • Presentation to the Education Directorate

    Presentation to the Education Directorate
    It was an honor to present to DoDEA's Ed Directorate today, where I attempted to "demystifying" the Teacher of the Year experience!
  • Presentation to the District Admin Team

    Presentation to the District Admin Team
    I was thrilled to be able to discuss Teacher Leadership with all of the administrators in my district today. Having Mr. Brady and Dr. Curtis in attendance was an added bonus!
  • Receiving my Teacher of the Year Crystal from Director Brady and Dr. Curtis

    Receiving my Teacher of the Year Crystal from Director Brady and Dr. Curtis
    Just when I thought DoDEA could no longer surprise me.....this happened.
  • Chat Room - Teacher of the Year Interview

    Chat Room - Teacher of the Year Interview
    This was a new experience for me - my first official "interview."
  • Presentation to the Dependents Education Council

    Presentation to the Dependents Education Council
    It was exciting to discuss the value of teacher leadership with the members of the DEC today!
  • NASA Space Camp

    NASA Space Camp
    Talk about an "Out of this World" experience! This was an absolutely incredible week and an experience of a lifetime.
  • Next Steps

    Next Steps
    The 2016 Teacher of the Year Cohort spent 4 intense days on the ETS campus in Princeton New Jersey discussing their "Next Steps." Where do we go from here?
  • Passing the Torch to the 2017 DoDEA Teacher of the Year

    Passing the Torch to the 2017 DoDEA Teacher of the Year
    You will be amazing Kelisa Wing!