Documents on German Unification for Mr. Weber's Class

  • Speech to the Frankfurt Assembly

    Johann Gustav Droysen gives a speech to the Frankfurt assembly in which he first proposes that Prussia and Austria merge.
  • Proclamation of 1849

    In his proclamation, King Wilhelm IV states that he humbly declines the offer to rule Germany.
  • Letter to the Minister von Manteuffel

    In this letter, Otto von Bismarck foreshadows war between Prussia and Austria in the near future.
  • Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke's Speech

    Helmuth von Moltke makes this speech after Prussia won the Austro-Prussian war. Moltke expresses his thought that it is a decisive win.
  • Otto von Bismarck's Speech

    In his speech, Bismarck reveals his plans to eventually unify Prussia and Austria.