Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta first came about in the year 1215, when the first colonists came to America. During the year 1215, King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta, or Great Charter. This document was created on the basis that government was not all-powerful and should be limited to an extent. This document provided the basis for the principal of limited government, which is still implemented in government today. An example of this is our right to have a fair and just trial in court. -
Mayflower Compact
The Mayflower Compact was a very important document, as it stood for the first of many colonial plans for self government. This document was first signed in 1620, and was written by fourty-one men who all represented one of the Pilgrim families. This document stated how everyone agreed to elect their own leaders and make their own laws. We still do this in modern goverment. Each time we vote for a person to put into office, we are demonstrating our right to elect our own leaders. -
Petition of Right
This document played a revolutionary role in the realization of how monarchs in England abused their power. Charles I demonstrated his power by dissolving Parliament and lodging troops in private homes. This Petition was created to limit the king's power. It stated how English monarchs could no longer collect taxes, imprison people unjustly, or declare marital law unless at war without Parliament's consent. For example, in today's society, govenrment cannot force the people to house troops. -
General Fundamentals
This document has often been viewed as the earliest form of demand for a representative government and individual rights. This was the first basic system of laws in the English colonies. This came about as a result of the Massachusetts Bay adding more towns which contributed to the original Plymouth settlement. Part of the General Fundamentals created a general court, made up of a governor and two representatives from each town. This is used when we vote for representatives for our state. -
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
This document was created by Puritans who left the Massachusetts Bay Colony to colonize Connecticut. This document laid out a plan that gave people the right to elect a governor, judges, and representatives to make laws. This charter started the beginning of other English colonies making their own charters. Similarly, we do the same thing in our society. Elections give us the power to elect our own representatives, governors, and other figures of power. -
English Bill of Rights
This document came about during the Glorious Revolution and incorporated the Magna Carta into its contents. The main points of this document included: monarchs not having complete authority, monarchs having Parliament's consent to suspend laws, levy taxes, and maintain an army, monarchs not interfering with parliamentary elections, people having the right to a fair and speedy trial, and people not subjected to unfair punishment or excessive bail. This last point is still instituted today.