Documents of german unification

  • Speech to the Frankfurt Assembly

    Given by Johann Gustaf Droysen, talks about contrast between Austria and Prussia.
  • Proclamation of 1849

    Given by Friedrich Wilhelm, and describes his reasons as to why he is rejecting the crown of the National Assembly.
  • Letter to Minister Von Manteuffel

    Written by Otto Von Bismarck, Bismarck gives his anticipations that many fights will occur between Austria and Prussia, and that there will be a very poor relationship between Austria and Prussia.
  • Writing from Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke

    In this document, Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke talks about the war of 1866 and talks about the causes of the war and the outcome.
  • Document from Otto von Bismarck: 1866

    In this document, Otto von Bismarck explains why he chose to only slightly wound Austria during the war in an effort to maintain chances of friendship, and why the war of 1866 was fought.
  • The Imperial Proclamation

    In this document, King Wilhelm describes the duties he is taking on by accepting the crown of Emperor, and his hopes for Germany in the future of his reign.