Period: to
Documentary editing
This is our week by week progress -
Log and transfer
Today we log and transferred all our clips onto final cut we chose the ones that we wanted to use and started cutting them down till we were satisfied with them. -
Today we added all our recorded footage of other recordings to make the start of our documentary . -
Vox pops
We chopped up all our vox pops and put them in order of importance, preferably mixing gender -
Today we spent all our time cutting up our interviews as they were all very long. We chose the clips we thought were interesting and related to the argument we are trying to put across in our documentary. -
Cutting links
Today we decided which clips we wanted to modify and cut the link from so we could seperate the two and delete the sound. This took a while as it was hard to decide where we wanted the voice over -
Voice over
Today we recorded the voice over for our documentary using the script we had created in advance and uploaded it onto final cut -
Coming together
Today we cut the voice over and put it inbetween our interviews and vox pops so we could get the basic structure of our 5 minute documentary. -
We know had all our documentary in order with our voice over and clips all we needed now is our music. So we chose 3 different tracks from garage band to add onto our documentary. -
Today we spent adding in our music to the right places and making adjustments to the music so it was low when students were speaking/voice over and interviews. -
Final adjustments
We spent today making final adjustments to our documentary such as adding text and titles, and all our statistics in the right places. This took a while as we had to get the text the right size. -
Finished product
Our documentary is completed and finalised to a standard we are happy with.