Discovery of DNA
While doing research on white blood cells, physician Friedrich Miescher isolated a previously unknown nuclei which was acidic and contained phosphorus, he named his discovery "nuclein" this was the first discovery of DNA -
DNA Structure
Watson and Crick were two scientists who discovered a structure, which later became commonly known as the "double-helix" structure which is now seen as the worldwide DNA structure -
Discovery of DNA testing
British geneticist Alec Jeffereys developed the first technique of DNA testing using the fingerprint. This became known as the first discovery of DNA testing -
DNA testing is published to the world
In 1985 Jeffereys published his finding about DNA testing in the journal Nature, this first introduced the world to DNA testing -
Solving Crimes
The DNA fingerprint technique made it's way into the crime scene in 1986 when it was first used to solve a rape and murder case