

  • Period: to

    Divided French Society/Financial Troubles This order consisted of three estates: Clergy, nobility, and the people. Nobles were the wealthiest and urban workers were the poorest.
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    Louis XVI calls the Estates General Louis made the three estates prepare a notebook listing their grievances. Many cahiers reformed such as better taxes, freedom of the press, and regular meetings of the general-estates.
  • Stroming the Bastille

    Stroming the Bastille
    800 parisians stormed the bastille because they had gunpowder.
  • Period: to

    Revolt/National Assembly Act National Assembly makes a constitution for the rights of man but women didnt get rights. The women went and imprisoned the king and queen and took them to paris.
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    Threats from Abroad The failed escape of louis XIV brought further hostile rumblings from abroad. In August 1791, the king of prussia and the emperor of Austria issued the declaration of Pilnitz. Prussia and Austria were afraid the French Revolution would give their people the same idea. 1795 The war only ends with Prussia.
  • Monarchy is Abolished

    Monarchy is Abolished
    Abolished monarchy voted to establish the French Republic. The event was in France, and it was led by Radicals and Jacobins.
  • Period: to

    Civil War (Radicals take over) The war between French revolutionaries and European Monarchs moved onto battle. Within the legislative assembly, several hostile factions competed for power.
  • Robespierrie and the reign of terror

    Robespierrie and the reign of terror
    WHO: Robespierre
    WHAT: Terror and danger came into France
    WHERE: France
  • Nationalism Spreads

    Nationalism Spreads
    WHO: Sons and Daughters of the Revolution
    WHAT: Nationalism
    WHERE: France
    HOW: The French government rallied people together that had nationalism for their country.
  • The revolution enters its third stage

    The revolution enters its third stage
    WHO: Napolean Bonaparte, Directory, French
    WHAT: France came up with a directory, and a two house legislative.
    WHERE: France