DJ Ryerson: Giver Vocab Timeline

  • Utopia

    definition: An ideal community a perfect society
    example sentence: If New York had more order and less crime it would be considered a utopia.
    Antonyms:Dystopia, Entropy
  • Conformity

    Definition:To act of following others or doing what others do in order to fit in.
    Example sentence:To conform with the other kids in his class, John started to study more and pay attention.
    Antonyms: Different, Unique
  • Chastise

    definition: To discipline or punish
    Example sentence:Asher as a child was chastised for saying smack instead of snack,The community doesn't like people making mistakes.
    Antonyms: Reward, applaud
  • Recollection

    Definition: Memory of an event
    example:After I had gotten a concussion I had no recollection on how I had got it.
    antonyms:memory loss
  • Vast

    definition Huge in size or extent:Immense.
    example sentence:There are a vast number of people who have committed horrible acts in the past.
  • Apprehensive

    definition:Uneasy, fearful for about something that might happen.
    example sentence:Jonas was very apprehensive about the ceremony of twelve later this month,and the plane that flew over the community.
    antonyms: Fearless, Brave , Courageous.