Stage 2 test
When I sat down on the chair four injected a needle in the back of my neck and when I woke up I was in a field of grass grown till my knees I could move all of my body exempt my feet as I was not expecting anything I was calm but than a big flock of crows came my way and kept attacking me and I was bleeding everywhere and I was screaming and panicking and after that the simulation stopped four was not as disappointed as I thought he would be it was like sympathy but than he told me to rest. -
Stage 1 of initiation in the Dauntless
After Traveling on the train with the initiates we jumped on to a building but the dauntless hq was the building in front of us and then we realize we have to jump off the building in to the hq and since we were gonna have to jump anyways I chose to go first luckily there was a net at the bottom but that's not even stage 1 we are told that stage 1 will be to test our physical strength and we would also be training and we were split up in 2 groups dauntless born who never changed factions and us. -
Apitude test and Choosing ceremony
Today is Tris's 16th birthday and like all 16 year olds she is going to do the apitude test and go to the choosing ceremony to choose her faction, there are 5 factions to choose from they are: dauntless the brave, erudite the intelligence, abnegation the selfless, Amity the peaceful and Condor the honest. -
Apitude test and choosing ceremony results!
In the apitude test for Tris it was inconclusive but her instructor changed it to her born faction the abnegation, people with these types of results are called DIVERGENT they are considered dangerous and are hunted. In the choosing ceremony Tris chose dauntless to learn more about what's going on to her -
Stage 2 of initiation in the dauntless
After me barely making way on to the board to pass stage 1 we had to do stage 2 of initiation which was the test of mental strength in short it was to get rid of our fears. This was just practice for stage 3. We had to be with our instructor and they were gonna test us us non born initiates had four as our instructor he was tough but he was good at his job. After 30 minutes of what seemed like and hour I was called in and four closed the door behind me it looked like the apitude test room. -
Stage 2 finals
In the finals of stage 2 we had to do the same test but we were timed and we had more than one fear in this test but it was mostly the same and in my test I had the same crowd attacking me and this time I was prepared so after completing it I had one more fear left it was of me in a small cube shaped tank of some sort and I was inside it while this happened I was not prepared and I was drowning but something happened when I touched the glass with my fingers it just broke. I finished first. -
Stage 3 initiation the final stage
In stage 3 we had to go in to a simulation which took all of our worst fears and made us get over them and it would be the hardest test we would get. As me a Four were in a secret relationship he showed me his fears in the simulation we had to do and I would get to know that he is called Four because he only has four fears while we accomplished the first 3 once we got to the 4th I realized his past he was also from abnegation his father who was well knowed for his son changing his faction. -
Four changed because his father was abusive and abused his son Tobias but no one heard of him ever since but he was four our instructor and he was the reason the leaders were never told that I was a divergent. -
Stage 3
Well it's finally here everyone had to line up to do their tests and what's worse is all the leaders are watching the tests. After everyone's test was don't I came in firsts and BECAME A TRUE MEMBER OF THE DAUNTLESS. The last thing we had to do was get a tracking serum injected in ourselfs and we got it but we were oblivious to the fact they were lying. This serum controlled us, made us mindless but the divergent was not affected and I was looking for four to see if he was I. Control of himself. -
Is this war?
Turned out four was also divergent and we were in control but what terrified me was that we were forced to attack the abnegation faction so once me and four got there we teamed up with the abnegation people who survived and we stopped the mind control serum but this is just the beginning the erudite faction started this war and are after us so we retreated to the amity hq. THE END OF BOOK 1