Distance Education Hx

  • Correspondence Course Advertised Begins "By Mail Era" for Distance Learning.

    Boston Gazette ad offered weekklylessons in shorthand training.
  • Period: to

    Distance Learning Approaches Expand wih Technology

    Distance Learning Approaches Expand wih Technology.
    President and founsder of Learning Helmits, Inc., Terrie Shannon, says group learning potentials with the helmit are endless.
  • Public Demo of Morse Telegraph

    At the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, PA, Morse demonstrates his electric trelegraph.
  • Electric Telegraph

    Morse and Vail develop electric telegraph. Vail was also a key figure in the development of "Morse Code".
  • Correspondence Courses

    In England, Sir Isaac Pitman, offered shorthand correspondence courses.
  • University Degrees through Correspondence Courses

    The External Programme of the University of London offered degree graning course work to the public.
  • Anna Ticknow

  • Chatauqua College of Liberal Arts

  • Thomas Rainey, University of Chicago

    Correspondence Course to promote education. Columbia University used the idea.
  • Development of Cathode Ray (CRT) precusor to Television

    Ferdinand Braum
  • U.S. grants Patent to Marconii's Radio

    Distance Learning soon includes the technology of radio.
  • National University Extension Association Formed

    Association formed to develope stadards for extension courses in higher education to simplify transfer of credits.
  • "Vacuum Tube Era" for Computers

  • "Transistor Era " fpr Computers

    1947 - 1962
  • Era of the Chip" for Computers

    1963 - Present
  • Advances in Telepathy Technology

    Distance Learning Approaches Expand wih Technology. T. Shannon, President of Distance Learning, Inc., says group learning potential is endless.with new helmit technology.