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  • March for our lives protests/ walkout

    March for our lives protests/ walkout
    The March for Our Lives protests and national school walkout was mainly promoted on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat by students in the United States. The tactic used was sharing graphic details of the deaths of the students in the school shooting on social media platforms. It was so popular that social media created the "walkout" where students walked out of class for 17 minutes for all the students killed in the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.
  • Greta Thunberg Climate Change protests

    Greta Thunberg Climate Change protests
    After giving a speech saying "How dare you" to big corporations for their negative environmental impacts, social media blew up Greta Thunberg and were recruited to her cause. She used social media for more awareness about climate change.
  • Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter
    After a video of George Floyd, a black man, getting murdered by a policeman went viral on twitter and other social media platforms, protests broke out nationally about the unfair and racist treatment of African Americans. The video of George Floyd having his neck kneeled on was very motivating to others on social media to promote Black Lives Matter protests
  • Roe v. Wade overturning

    Roe v. Wade overturning
    After the Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade ruling, abortion laws were no longer federally protected and social media blew up. This was mainly on TikTok and Twitter, and the tactic used was women sharing personal stories about their experiences with abortion on social media.
  • Hamas v. Israel

    Hamas v. Israel
    Hamas and Israel are both using social media to try and convince the world to be on their side of the conflict, usually showing graphic videos and photos of what violent crimes the opponent has done. TikTok has been the primary social media platform used to promote the disruption and get people to pick sides in the war