Bacteria Research Timeline

By Quiver
  • 460 BCE

    Birth of Hippocrates

    Hippocrates was seen to be the founding father of medicinal practices. He bases medicine on the objective observing and deductive reasoning.
  • First Vaccine

    First vaccine designed by Edward Jenner to ward off smallpox. In his experiment he injects his son with a small amount of small pox and then he then exposes the son to small pox 8 weeks later. Jenner is regarded as the founding father of immunology.
  • Stethoscope

    The stethoscope was invented by a french doctor Rene Laennec to avoid putting his ears on their chest. The first design was made with a rolled up paper tube and using it as a funnel.
  • Antiseptic

    Joseph Lister publishes a book on how to run a clean hospital. He reduces the deaths from infections in his hospital from 60% to 4% through the use of anti septic on medical tools and wounds. This is regarded as one of the most pivotal advancements in medicine.
  • Aspirin

    Felix Hoffman creates aspirin by synthesising acetyl saliclic acid. This was an improvement on the juice from a willow trees bark that was previously used since 400 bce as it irritated the wound.
  • Blood compatability

    Karl Landsteiner receives a nobel peace prize for the discovery of safe blood transfusions. And the first successful use of the technique happens 6 years later
  • Antibiotics

    The first antibiotic released was salvarsan and it was a huge advancement in the world of medicine. 100 years later and antibiotics are one of the most important medicines as it has increased the average humans lifespan by 23 years.
  • Discovery of Penicillin

    Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Scottish bacteriologist Sir Alexander Fleming. Penicillin is used to treat infections caused by bacteria and Fleming received a Nobel Peace Prize for this acheivment in 1945.

    A vaccine for COVID was developed in under a year which was no small feat. This was the first pandemic that had been universally deafeated