Martin Luther KIng
Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his famous "I Have a Dream Speech". He also attends the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom that was attended by 250,000 people. -
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Black People Historical Event
Civil Rights Act
President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act which prhibited discrimination of all kinds such as, race, religion, or national origin. -
Martin Luther KindJr. and Shirley Chisholm
Matin Luther Kind Jr. was assinated April 4th, in Memphis, Tennessee.
Shirley Chisholm also become the first black female U.S. Representative. -
Guion Bluford Jr.
Guion Bluford Jr. was the first African American in space. He took off from Kenedy Space Center in Florida. -
Colin Powell
Colin Powell becomes the first African American U.S. Secretary of State. -
Halle Berry and Denzel Washington
Halle Berry and Densel Washington were the first African Americans to win both the best actor and best actress Oscars. -
Condoleezza Rice
Condoleezza Rice becomes the forst black female U.S. Secretary of State. -
Barack Obama and Eric H. Holder Jr.
Barack Obama becomes the first African American presidens and the country's 44th President.
Eric H. Holder was asldo the forst African American to serve as Attorney General. -
Michael Brown
Michael Brown was an unarmed teenager who was shot and killed in Ferguson, Mosouri by Darren Wilson, a police officer.
The grand jury's decison not to indict wilson sparked protest across the U.S. once it was announced. -
114th Congress
The 114th Congress includes 46 black members in the House of Representatives and two in the senate.