Discrimination timeline

  • Massacre at Mystic

    This was the first attack by the English during the Pequot War. This was during a three-year way started by the puritans to steal the tribe's traditional land. They set fire to the Pequot fort near the mystic river. it left 500 adults and children dead if the Pequot tribe
  • The scalp act

    During this time the British governor began offering money for anyone who could bring him male scalps or prisoners. Anyone who brought in a male scalp above age 12 would be givin 150 pieces of eight or the equivalent of $150. For females above age of 12 or males under age of 12,they would be paid $130
  • The 3/5

    three out of every five slaves was counted when determining a state's total population for legislative representation and taxation, gave a disproportionate representation of slaves in the house of representations
  • battle of tippecanoe

    Deemed an American victory, that battle has far lasting implications with native Americans
  • The missouri compromise

    admitted missouri as a slave states and maine as non-slave state at the sametime maintained as delicate balance between free and slaves
  • Indian Removal Act

    Authorizing the president to grant unsettled land west Mississippi in exchange for Indian land within existing states borders
  • Trail of tears

    The U.S. government forcibly removed the southeastern Native Americans removed the Cherokee and the part that 17 Cherokee detachments followed westward
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Nat Turner was an enslaved man who started a rebellion with enslaved people in Southampton country, Virginia. the people who followed the rebellion killed between 55 to 65 white men. this was the deadliest slave revolt in U.S. history. 75 blacks railed to the cause but because of a lack of discipline and fewer resources, they were killed
  • Dred scott decison

    decision that living in a free state did not allow black people to have the same rights. Declared the Missouri compromise to be unconstitutional
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Abraham lincoln issued this during the American civil war saying that all the slaves shall be free not under union control. More than 3.5 million slaves were declared free in confederate areas that were still in rebellion against the union
  • 13th Amedment

    was passed by Congress to abolish slavery and declare it illegal except for the incarcerated slaves. Outlawed the practice of involuntary servitude and peonage
  • 14th Amendement

    Granted citizenship to all people including the formally enslaved. Ensures that no state can pass any law that violates any privileges or immunities to any citizen living in the United States
  • 15th Amendment

    grated the right for african americans to votes, right to votes not matter on race or skin color
  • Battle of the little bighorn

    Caused the united States to increase thier force agaisnt the natives because it was a victory for the natives and left cluster and his troops dead. More then 260 soldiers were left dead in this battle
  • Battle of wounded knee

    Slaughter of approximately 150-300 Lakota Indians by the United States army troops in the areas of wounded Knee Creek in southwestern South Dakota slave trade ended in the United States
    January 1808 abolished the slave trade in the District of columbia
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    The decision of the United States Supreme Court that racial segregation did not violate the Constitution as long as what they had was equal.