
discovery of america

  • 1492

    discovery of america

    discovery of america
    the discovery of America in 1492 by Cristobal Colon was one of the most important events in European history, because basically this was the start of the globalization, and conditioned the political, social and economic evolution.
  • End of the second world war

    End of the second world war
    World War II is considered one of the most important events of the twentieth century. Its outcome ended with one of the most repressive regimes the world has ever known - Nazism - and ended long centuries of Western European rule in world history.
  • Creation of the United Nations

    Creation of the United Nations
    World War II was over and the world wanted peace.
    51 countries joined in San Francisco that year to sign a document. This was a letter, creating a new organization, the United Nations.
    70 years later, the United Nations maintains international peace and security. It promotes development and provides humanitarian assistance to people in need. Defend international law, protect human rights and promote democracy.
  • Berlin Wall construction

    Berlin Wall construction
    The bad Soviet economy and the flirtatious West Berlin made until almost 1961, almost 3 million people left behind East Germany to enter capitalism.
    The GDR began to realize the loss it suffered and on August 12, 1961, decided to lift a provisional wall and close 69 control points, leaving only 12 open. This is a important event, because, this cause a strong social and politic moment in this countries and in the world.
  • Internet creation

    Internet creation
    1969 the first connection was made between the computers of Standford and UCLA, when ARPANET was also born. This specific moment was the beginning of a new stage of globalization, a new tool for this.
  • End of the Cold War

    End of the Cold War
    The Cold War ended by the collapse of one of its continents
    And the effects that brought the Cold War were:
    -The United States and the Soviet Union accumulated large arsenals of atomic weapons and ballistic missiles.
    - NATO military blocks and the Warsaw Pact were formed
    - The destructive conflicts of Vietnam and Korea were reached
    - The Baltic states and some former Soviet republics achieved independence
    -The United States became the only superpower in the world
    Communism collapsed
  • FTA

    Mexico signs the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), with the United States of America and Canada. Which was a great step to globalization for Mexico.
  • economic crisis in Asia

    economic crisis in Asia
    Impact on the world the economic crisis in Asia, the so-called Dragon effect. This caused a global effect as it spread immediately to the exchanges of Sao Paulo, Argentina and Mexico causing falls 13% and 15% 7% in the New York and Frankfurt stock exchanges
  • The euro is implemented in some European countries as a single currency

    The euro is implemented in some European countries as a single currency
    The euro is implemented in the EMU countries: Germany, Austria, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Portugal (the first countries of the Euro). Implement in financial markets and as a general currency.
  • Facebook is launched

    Facebook is launched
    It is a social networking website created by Mark Zuckerberg originally conceived as a platform for college students.
    Facebook was just the beginning of the era that we now know as so globalized, these platforms and those that followed were and are, currently, one of the main tools of communication and thus, of globalization.