Disability Movement of the 1970's

  • Civil Rights Act

    Encourages people to look more closely at all types of segregation and oppression.
  • PARC vs. Pennxylvania

    Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children brought a case against the state of Pennsylvania stating that retarded children should not be excluded from receiving education. PARC won.
  • Willowbrook Broadcast

  • Center for Independant Living Founded

    Exact date not found.
  • Mills vs. Board of Education

    Court rules that DC cannot exclude children with disabilities from receiving education
  • Social Security Amendments Create SSI

  • Rehabilitation Act

    Gives statutory definition to the descrimination against people with disabilities. Only outlaws descrimination by people wih federal funding.
  • Education for All Hanicapped Children Act

    Mandated free, appropriate education to children with handicaps.
  • Enforcement of Rehabilitation Act

    Amendments made to the Rehabilitation act that detail the impimentation to be used.
  • Federal funding for independant living

    First federal funding for independant living is set up.