Disabilities movement

  • Edward Verne Roberts

    He had to fight for the support he needed from the California Department of Vocational Rehabilitation to attend college due to his rehabilitation counselor who had thought he was severely disabled to ever get a job and wouldnt allow him to get a job.
  • Period: to


    The ACCD was very uselful but then closed its door in 1983
  • Judy Huemann

    As a baby Judy Huemann contracted polio. She became one of the main leaders of the disabilities movement and organized many groups such as the DIA which were fighting for civil rights for the disabled. She studied at Long Island University and participated in political protests and sit-ins.
  • American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities

    Also famously known as "the handicapped lobby", the ACCD was created by disabled individuals. It is most known for the 10 city sit-in in 1977 to get the government to follow section 504. Also, they received funding for over 600 independent living centers. They started the foundation of all disabled tranportation and accecibility that is in use today.
  • US Rehabilitation And Section 504

    Was an American Lesgislation that gave certain rights to people with disabilities. Section 504 was known to be the first civil rights statue for people with disabilities
  • Accomplishments

    One of the major accomplishments are that prior to 1975 children and adults with disabilities were not treated right and were discriminated against. Now with laws like Public Law of 94.142 and acts like the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act people with disabilities are given many more opportunities to lead an equal life in society.
  • Society's respone to the Disabled

    Today the disabled live in a very handicaped acessable world anda very understanding world, but there are still alot of problems that people with disabilities still struggle with. People still tend to look at someone who is in a wheel chair or have a fake leg and may think of them as less then the average person when really they are just as capable as anyone else but are discriminasted against because of appearance.