Azaria Chantel Loren Chamberlain born.
Azaria Chamberlain dies
Azaria Chamberlain was taken from her tent and killed but was it by a dingo or by her parent or her siblings? -
Lindy's Claim
Lindy Chamberlain claims that her baby was stolen by a dingo starting one of the biggest trails in Australian history -
Wally Goodwin finds Azarias Clothing
Wally Goodwin finds Azaria's jumpsuit, booties, singlet & nappy -
Police Statements
Police Statements given by the four Chamberlains at Mount Isa and there car is searched -
Coroner finds a wild dog took Azaria
Coroner Denis Barritt finds that a wild dog or a dingo took Azaria and that none of the family should be blamed but here was an interferance with the clothing by an unknown person so Ken Brown requested to do further tests on the jumpsuit -
First Inquest
Northern Territory Supreme Court in Darwin rejects first Inquest and orders a new one -
Second Inquest
Coroner Gerry Galvin says Lindy Chamberlain to trial on the charge of murdering Azaria. Her husband, Michael Chamberlain is charged as an accessory. $5,000 bail and $5,000 surety. -
Trail Begins
Trial begins in Darwin, Judge Justice James Muirhead of the Supreme Court presiding. It is called 'The Trail of the Century' -
Lindy found Guilty
Lindy is found guilty of 1st degree murder and is sentanced to life inprisonment. Michael also receives an eighteen month suspended sentence. -
Kahila is born
Kahila is born in custody -
Application for bail
Federal Court bail application pending 1982 appeal. Descion made overnight. $300 bail -
Rejected bail appeal
The Federal Court rejects Lindy's appeal for bail. Kahila goes to live with foster parents Wayne and Jenny Miller -
A petition with 131,000 signatures was given to Sir Ninian Stevens, the governer general -
New Evidence
New evidence sumbitted to the Northern Territory government by the 'Innocene Committee' and application for inquiry. -
Arazia's Jacket found
Stuart Tipple gets a tip that the jacket of Arazia's was found during a search at Ayer's Rock and had been held at Alice Springs Court House since January 31 -
Lindy's Release
Senator Bob Collins forces reporter Frank Alcorta to check his sources are right. Frank is so infuritated he writes an article and treatens the Northern Territory governement to print it if Lindy isn't release from jail by noon or an Inquiry is called. The NT government do both. -
Chmberlains cleared off guilt
Royal Commission Justice Trevor Morling presents his finding that Arazia was taken by a dingo and clears the Chamberlain's of all guilt.The Northern Territory government offers a Pardon -
Supreme Court of Darwin declares the Chamberlain's innocent.
The Supreme Court of Darwin delcares the Chamberlains totally innocent. -
Compensation payed to the Chamberlains
Compensation was payed to the Chamberlains by the Northern Territory government which they were not supposed to disclose -
Third Inquest
The Third Inquest findings are accounced, that neither Lindy nor Michael had anything to do with Arazia's diapearance and leaves the case of Arazia's death 'open' -
Arazia's Death Case Closed
The Northern Territory government has finally decided that Azaria's death was cased from being stolen and attcked by a dingo.