This timeline is about Diminishing progress, Anthony Johnson, but mostly diminishing progress. Diminishing progress is when you get progress, but then it's taken away. -
Anthony Johnson Aquires Land.
Anthony Johnson, a former slave, aquires 250 acres of land. This may not be suprising now, but put on your really old head on and think. Black's weren't respected back then, and that a former slave owns land is amazing! Now that he owns land, he can support his family and make a living, which is good. -
Anthony Johnson Owns Slaves.
Anthony Johnson, former slave, owns slaves of his own. Sort of ironic, don't you think? Once again, if that not's very amazing to you, put your really old head back on. A black man, and also a former slave, owns slaves of his own! Of course that's not as amazing as i'm saying it is, since if you owned land you most likely owned slaves. -
Act I, Casual Killing.
If you find an escaped slave, or you have an escaped slave brought back to you, you can punish them, and they "accidentally" die, it's not illegal. This law was bad because think, you own land, you own slaves, and now just 20 years later if you escape you can be "accidentally" killed. This law is also the start of the dehuminisation process. Not only that, but it struck fear into the Africans and gave power to the English. -
Act VI, Punishment for Hog Stealing.
If a slave steals a hog, that slave shall be given 39 lashes (the amount that kills is 40 lashes), and the second time he does so, he will be put in the pillory, and have his ears cut off. Guess nobody's invented prison yet. How much do you love bacon? Do you love it enough to die for? What about being tortured? That's exactly what this law says. This brings yet more fear to the Africans and starts to give the English power, and control. -
Act XXII, The Worst of Them All.
All Africans are deemed as no longer living beings, but property. My guess is this is where the saying "get a life" comes from. This law... just... to me this law is horribly evil and most of all, stupid,. Not only have you been robbed of every right you have, but you have been deemed property. If you didn't think there was control in that law, there is now. They now literally control the Africans. -
conclusion CLICK THIS LAST!!!
If you think you're life sucks, then that's nothing compared to this. Anthony Johnson had won court cases, true, but he left when barely the first bad law was passed. We should make sure things like this never happen again, if we wish to keep our sanity that is. -
Work Cited
every image from google images, and all my info from some website about Anthony Johnson.