May 29, 1453
Fall of Constantinople
The fall of Constantinople marks the end of the Byzantine Empire (and effectively the end of the Roman Empire) when the city was captured by forces of the Ottoman Empire in AD 1453. Map>
https://cdn.britannica.com/46/64946-050-3D7FE219/Byzantine-Empire.jpg -
Printing press by Gutenberg
It was the first painting press designed and built in Europe by Johannes Gutenberg. In 1455, he used it to print the Gutenberg Bible.
Video>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeikqw0kyqI -
Period: Oct 19, 1469 to 1492
Catholic Kings´reign
Isabel I (Castilla) and Fernando II (Aragón) got married and became the Catholic Kings. They governed the Crown of Castilla and Aragón.Their dinastic union marked the beginning of the territorial formation of the kingdom of Spain. Dinasty: Trastámara
Map>https://sevilla4real.com/sites/default/files/conquista_de_fernando_iii.jpg -
Mar 6, 1475
Michael Angelo
Michael Angelo, known in Spanish as Miguel Ángel, was an Italian Renaissance architect, sculptor, painter and poet. He was considered one of the greatest artists in history because of his sculptures, paintings and architectural work. From 1508 to 1512, he painted the ceiling of the chapel. Web>https://datos.bne.es/persona/XX1161659.html#:~:text=Fue%20autor%20de%20numerosas%20obras,Sixtina%20y%20la%20Capilla%20Paulina. -
Oct 12, 1492
Discovery of America
Christopher Colombus discovered America in 1492. It involves the voyages of discovery of many famous and courageous explorers of America who undertook the 3000 mile journey from Europe to North America across perilous, unchartered seas. These adventurous men were searching for: New trade routes. New enterprises and riches.
Map>https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/38/Viajes_de_colon_en.svg/1200px-Viajes_de_colon_en.svg.png -
Jun 7, 1494
Tordesillas Treaty
Treaty of Tordesillas agreement between Spain and Portugal dividing the rights to colonize all lands outside of Europe. The treaty amended papal bulls issued by Pope Alexander VI in 1493. These declarations had granted Spain an exclusive claim to the entirety of North and South America. Map-->https://cdn.britannica.com/49/130649-050-9802F80B/Map-demarcation-line-Alexander-VI-territory-Portuguese.jpg -
Period: 1500 to 1558
Carlos V´s reign
Carlos V handed over to his son Felipe the sovereignty of the Netherlands, the peninsular territories and Sicily. He retired in the monastery of Yuste. He belonged to the Habsburg dinasty.
Web>https://www.lavanguardia.com/historiayvida/edad-moderna/20191109/471431469410/soliman-carlos-v.html#:~:text=La%20flota%20otomana%20derrot%C3%B3%20a,batalla%20de%20Preveza%20en%201538. -
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was a Florentine polymath of the Italian Renaissance. He was a painter, philosopher, engineer, inventor, musician, poet, urban planner, anatomist, architect, paleontologist, botanist, writer and sculptor. His most faumous painting was "La Mona Lisa" 1503
Web>https://www.buscabiografias.com/biografia/verDetalle/65/Leonardo%20da%20Vinci -
Period: Nov 26, 1504 to Apr 12, 1555
Juana I of Castilla´s reign
Juana I of Castilla "La Loca" was the queen of Castile. She was married with Felipe "El Hermoso" and they belonged to the Trastámora dinasty. Their son was Carlos. She died on Good Friday 1555, after having been confined for almost half a century. Photo>https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/33/Johanna_I_van_Castili%C3%AB.JPG
Web>https://www.cervantesvirtual.com/bib/historia/monarquia/juana.shtml#:~:text=Del%20matrimonio%20entre%20Felipe%20y,heredera%20de%20Castilla%20y%20Arag%C3%B3n. -
Jul 10, 1509
John Calvin
Juan Calvino, baptized with the name of Jehan Cauvin, was a French theologian and philosopher, considered one of the authors and managers of the Protestant Reformation. He helped found Protestantism and justify capitalism. The fundamental doctrines of later reformers would identify with him, calling these doctrines "Calvinism."
Web>https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-59531178#:~:text=%22Calvino%20enfatiz%C3%B3%20de%20manera%20especial,trabajo%20social%20y%20la%20predestinaci%C3%B3n%22. -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther 95 theses
It is a thesis were Luther affirmed that the repentance established by Christ, by which sins would be forgiven, implies an internal spiritual repentance instead of simply an external sacramental confession, that is, with the priest.
Web>https://es.scribd.com/book/343855352/Las-95-tesis -
Period: May 27, 1527 to Jan 15, 1556
Felipe II´s reign
Felipe II "El Prudente" was considered the most powerful king in Spain. He had to take responsibility for managing the largest known empire. He belonged to the Habsbourg's dinasty.
Web>https://www.cervantesvirtual.com/bib/historia/monarquia/felipe2.shtml#:~:text=La%20monarqu%C3%ADa%20de%20Felipe%20II,las%20principales%20caracter%C3%ADsticas%20del%20reinado. -
Henry VIII Act of Supremacy
In 1534 Parliament passed the Act of Supremacy which defined the right of Henry VIII to be supreme head on earth of the Church of England, there by severing ecclesiastical links with Rome.
Web>https://www.britannica.com/topic/Act-of-Supremacy-England-1534 -
Council of Trent
The Council of Trent was an ecumenical council of the Catholic Church developed in discontinuous periods during 25 sessions between the years 1545 and 1563. It took place in Trento, a city in the north of present-day Italy, which was then a free imperial city governed by a prince-bishop.
Web>https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/faq/council-trent#:~:text=A%20Roman%20Catholic%20council%20held,Counter%2DReformation%20or%20Catholic%20Reformation. -
Jun 6, 1559
He was a Spanish Baroque painter considered one of the greatest exponents of Spanish painting and a master of universal painting. Some of his famous paintings were "Las meninas" 1656, "Venus del espejo" 1647 and "La infanta Margarita" 1659
Web>https://totenart.com/noticias/10-mejores-obras-diego-velazquez/ -
Period: to
Felipe III´s reign
Felipe III of Spain, "the Pious", was King of Spain and Portugal. He was the son of Felipe II and Ana of Austria. The reign of Felipe III meant the maintenance of Spanish hegemony in the world, but its economic difficulties and the transfer of government to private or valid ones already predicted the decline of the Empire. He belonged to the Habsbourg's dinasty.
Web>https://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/f/felipe_iii.htm -
Period: to
Felipe IV´s reign
Felipe IV was Spanish king with 46 children. He signed the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659 in order to focus all the resources of the Spanish monarchy in the reconquest of the rebel kingdom: from this date, Spain was finally at peace with France, England and the Netherlands. He belonged to the Habsbourg's dinasty.
Web>https://www.biografiasyvidas.com/monografia/carlos_v/reinado.htm -
Period: to
Carlos II´s reign
Carlos II, known as "El Hechizado", was the last Spanish Habsburg King between 1665 and 1700. Son and heir of Felipe IV and Mariana of Austria, he remained under his mother's regency until he came of age in 1675. When he died, the lack of heirs caused a national and international conflict called the War of Succession (1701-1714)
Web>https://www.cervantesvirtual.com/bib/historia/monarquia/carlos2.shtml -
Spanish Succession War
National and international conflict 1711. It was caused because of the lack of heirs to the Spanish throne after the death of Carlos II. Felipe V (supported by the Crown of Castile) and Archduke Charles (supported by the Crown of Aragon) were fighting for the throne. Charles became roman emperor.Felipe V de Borbón became the king in the Peace of Utrecht (1713-1714)
Map>https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YdII98Ct9Gg/maxresdefault.jpg -
French Revolution
The French Revolution was a social and political conflict, with various periods of violence, that convulsed France and, by extension of its implications, other European nations that faced supporters and opponents of the system known as the Old Regime (an aristocratic, social, and political system established in France under the Valois and Bourbon synasties (14th century to 18th century))