Period: Dec 2, 1522 to Dec 2, 1543
challenged teachings
In the Sixteenth century a majority of the religion was catholic. Martin Luther however (like many others) challenged the teachings of the Roman Catholic church which also had was cuased from the 95 thesis the church posed.He also believed that humans could not salvation on their own act, but only god could. -
Period: Dec 2, 1523 to Dec 2, 1524
Catholic church's practice of granting "indelgenses" to provide absolution to sinners -
Period: Dec 2, 1562 to
french wars
a seies of nine religous and political conflicts took place in France which were fighting for control of the expiring by Catholic extremists. -
Period: to
In the eigghteenth century the U.S Americans lived on farms and were able to produce what they needed to survive -
Period: to
living conditions
There was a feeling of optimism, a belief in the future with rising standards of living, better saleries and credit with new products that swept the country -
Period: to
Mny citizens (including the president Hoover) believed that the poularity would soon end but it didnt