Personal Identity Digital Timeline Project PPS/P6 Taylor Golden

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    When I was born I was a preemie baby, I was due December 1st and I was born September 28th. I was in the hospital NICU until the day after Thanksgiving.
  • Parents Divorce

    Parents Divorce
    When my parents separated it had impacted me in many ways. This divorce allowed me to step my toe into the world on independence. This event is what has driven my experiences for feeling for other people because I had really understood why my parents had separated and I understood both sides of the story.
  • Niagara Falls

    Niagara Falls
    The trip to Niagara Falls was the first family trip we had since my parents divorce and this trip and made me realize I want to explore the world and travel more
  • Climbing Trees

    Climbing Trees
    As a kid I would climb trees a lot to be alone. This is what strived me being an introverted person. Throughout my childhood I was typically alone because my brother would hangout with friends and my mom would be working
  • Friendships

    When it comes to friendships I am quick to judge and that is because of this friend group. I had judged them quickly on the type of people they were and I ended up finding out that my first judgement was correct.
  • Florida Trip

    Florida Trip
    This trip was great until on the way home. This trip is what had caused me to be intuitive. Something happened to me on this trip and in the moment I had a gut feeling not to do it and I did anyway and something bad happened which strived my intuitive side. Knowing that I knew something was going to happen deep down and it did is why i follow my gut feelings now.
  • Dance

    When I was in middle school being on the dance team had impacted me so much because it had allowed me to open up and to become more outgoing as a person.
  • Acting

    When I was in the play in Middle School it had made me the person I am because I have been able to reach beyond my boundaries and become more involved with things that I enjoy doing.
  • adventurous

    I love to go on adventures with my family. I’ve gone to Arizona and hiked up the mountains with my stepdad, we’ve gone tubing, and so much more. This is from one of the tubing trips and it ended up with me petting donkeys and horses on the path.
  • charismatic

    Before my grampa passed away and when I knew he was getting really weak I would go over to his house as much as I could to be with him. At this time he couldn’t walk very well or drive really well and I had my permit. To get him fresh air we would make it to the car with help and he would have me drive just so he could get out of the house and have some human contact.
  • Optimistic

    I am optimistic in a lot of situations in my life. This move was the one I had to be most optimistic about. I went from living in a small town to the city where I knew no one. Although I dreaded the move I was waiting for school to begin again so I could make friends and have people here to hangout with. Now this was one of the best things to ever happen so far in my life.
  • Freshman year

    Freshman year
    This was the last day of Freshman year. This year was crazy for me, it was my first time at high school, I had started fresh and the year was half online half in person which had impacted me because my learning wasn’t as efficient and I didn’t know anyone, but I branched out and made friends.
  • Artistic

    At my old school we had AVID and the ceiling was a bunch of different colleges painted on the tiles. I had spoken with my teacher and he allowed me to paint the ceiling tiles with two different colleges after seeing how devoted I was to painting them.
  • Losing my Grampa

    Losing my Grampa
    My grampa was the most genuine and caring people I know. He was my best friend and I looked up to him in every way possible so losing him was definitely the most impactful day of my life
  • Non-judgmental

    When my mom first started dating her (now) husband she made it clear that his son has Autism because we had never been around someone with Autism before. When I met him I was very welcoming of him and I would never judge him based on the disability he has. He is the most caring guy I have ever met and he’s always willing to step up for us when we need it.
  • Trustworthy

    I am trust worthy when it comes to holding peoples secrets because I don’t want them to feel like they have no one to talk to when they need it. Me and my friend Amalia have been friends since 4th grade and never once have i broken her trust.
  • Caring

    A stray cat had showed up on my back porch and I took the job of being it’s caretaker and finding him a good home he was such an amazing boy that I couldn’t let him go back out on the street. I gave him water and food. I gave him a shelter. I finally found him a good home with my neighbors.
  • loyal

    On Halloween this year my boyfriend and I went to a party and I had promised him I would stay with him. I was loyal to him with this and stayed by his side and took care of him when he needed it. Throughout this relationship I have also proved my loyalty through not talking or hanging out with other guys.
  • Quiet

    As much as I love goofing around with my friends and filling them in on the details of my life a lot more of the time I am a quiet person. This is because I want people to know that they also have someone they can depend on and I like to listen to what other people have to say. Sometimes people think I’m sad or upset but I’m just in my own little world when I am quiet
  • resilient

    A lot of my childhood was a blur for me due to things that have happened but I chose to recover from them and not let them drag me down. Now I have a lot of health problems going on and I am continuing to push and find a bright side to the struggles going on.