Digital Timeline PPS1

  • Birth

    I was born in Chicago, IL at RUSH hospital to Moon and Onayda Samrah. This was the start of why my family is happy (because of me)
  • Birth of my introverted sister

    Birth of my introverted sister
    About 1 1/2 years later, my sister Sabreen was born. She's been my best friend since day one. She's always been more of an introvert until the start of freshman year where I pushed her to go outside her comfort zone and experience new things
  • Introverted/Start of preschool

    Introverted/Start of preschool
    I went to Volta elementary for Preschool and made a lot of lifetime friends. This was the beginning of my extroverted personality starting to shine through. I was very talkative, some might say annoying, and always knew how to conversate with anyone including adults.
  • Start of First Grade/Becoming an extrovert

    Start of First Grade/Becoming an extrovert
    This was when I fist met my 1/2nd grade teacher Ms. Talan. She's been in my life since and even went to my 8th grade graduation party. Ms. Talan was a major influence on my extrovert personality and taught me how to get out of my comfort zone when making friends
  • Meeting my childhood best friend (trustworthy)

    Meeting my childhood best friend (trustworthy)
    I met Makayla during 1st grade recess, I don't remember much but us playing four square and me winning. We ended up playing it after school too and that's when our moms met. Since then both our moms and ourselves have been close. I've trusted her since day 1 and will always have her back.
  • Meeting a loving stuff animal

    Meeting a loving stuff animal
    This was the first and last time my dad went on one of my field trips. We went to the Shedd Aquarium and I remember this day because he bought me and my friend stuff animals. I got a dolphin and I still have it today, cant go a night without him
  • Starting boxing and finding passion for something new

    Starting boxing and finding passion for something new
    In 3rd grade my gym teacher, Mr. Graves, introduced me and my class to boxing and would tell us stories of the matches he went to. I ended up enrolling in Hybrid martial arts near Irving park at the age of 8 stayed till I was 12. being there I gained so many memories, skills, discipline, and friends
  • Going to Disney World and learning how to show kindness

    Going to Disney World and learning how to show kindness
    In 2016 my dads boss gifted us with a trip to Florida and an all included visit for Disney world/Universal studios. This is a very memorable moment in my life since it was our first family trip away from Chicago. We went during spring break and it was really packed, however, each worker that we encountered was so sweet and considerate. It almost seemed fake with how happy everyone was, but it taught me to always be kind because you never know what someone is going through.
  • Trip to New Jersey and evolving my judgement

    Trip to New Jersey and evolving my judgement
    About 6 months after the Disney trip, my family and I took a trip to Jersey to see my aunt from my moms side. We visited a lot of cousins during this time and Times Square. During our visit, I got closer with all 7 of my aunts sons and learned how to cherish the time you have with others before its over. I also learned how to not judge a book by its cover because I had really high expectations for Times square and it ended up being my least favorite part of the trip.
  • New beginnings and confidence

    New beginnings and confidence
    After 10 long years of living in Albany park my father decided it was finally time to move out of the area and give us a better education. My last school year at Volta was 5th grade, It was really sad leaving the people and family I made growing up there but it taught me to have confidence and embrace new beginnings. It was like starting over, at 0, having a new everything means you need to have confidence to step out of your comfort zone and make new friends.
  • Changing boxing schools and practical thinking with identities

    Changing boxing schools and practical thinking with identities
    After growing out of my class I was switched to MMA more towards Lincoln park. It was a big scary change, I had new opponents/teammates, and new coaches who didn't know me. It showed me that you don't need to please everyone or prove something to them. Many of my teammates there were older than me by +4 years (mentors) and weren't always the kindest. I learned how to stick up for myself and others, and to not create fake identities.
  • COVID-19 and learning to adapt

    COVID-19 and learning to adapt
    Because of COVID-19 everyone's world went to a pause. School was out and I was isolated from my friends for months. This was a very tough time in my life since a lot of my friends started to hang out with out and leave me out of certain things making me drift away from them. I felt very alone and ignored
  • Starting high school and regaining extroverted attributes

    Starting high school and regaining extroverted attributes
    After covid and online school, I lost all communication skills and felt alone with no one to talk to. On the first day of school I knew no one but as the weeks went by I regained my extroverted personality I've been known for and made new friends/memories.