Digital timeline

By afpakos
  • Period: to

    My life

  • Respectful

    My parents though me the meaning of respect at a very young age because everyone in this world deserves respect and when people are talking I make sure not to talk and only listen and when it is my turn then I talk.
  • Curiosity

    I am a very curious person if I dont know about something I try to figure it out with out asking someone so I would take it apart and see how everything looks and just try to overall figure out how it works and how it looks.
  • Confident

    I have been confident since I was a little kid because no matter the change I would always try it and even when it came to skiing I would to to hit a rail I would fall a lot but I kept going cause without failure theirs no success.
  • creative

    I am a super creative person my dad loves to work with wood he likes to carve things and build things and since I was a little boy I was always around him and always found a interest in it so now I like to build things and just make things.
  • First time skiing

    First time skiing
    My dad though me how to ski when I was at a very young age because he used to do it and when I started to get better he went with his buddy skiing and it ended up in the hospital and the doctors said he wouldn't be able to ski anymore so from that point I was self though and I became to be a really good skier.
  • First day of shcool

    First day of shcool
    The first the of school was one of the worst days ever. I started crying right in front of the school and begging my mom to take me home and when I got dragged in by the teacher I kept crying till I fell asleep on the desk.
  • my first dog

    my first dog
    I got my first dog when I was in 5 grade and it was a surprise right on my birthday and it was the happiest day of my life I was so happy to have him he used to sleep with me and I would walk him 3 times a day.
  • The day I met my Great Grandpa

    I meet my Great grandpa 2 years before his passing and this was also my first time traveling to Poland so kind of a 2 in 1 and I was so happy to meet him because he gave me his last army medal and I will never let it go the day of his passing my grandpa picked me up from school and he never picks me up I asked him why he is dressed so fancy and out of work and he said we are flying out in a hour to Poland because your Great Grandpa passed.
  • Friendly

    I am a very friendly person I always meet someone new and I am a very open person I very judge by how someone looks but how they treat other.
  • Open-minded

    I am open-minded because cause I can come up with good ideas pretty quickly and there not boring like the time all my friends went to Poland and it was me and my other friend so we had to be creative to figure out something to do so I came up with just cruise down lake shore and it was fun and more chill back.
  • First time I rode a dirt bike

    First time I rode a dirt bike
    I have wanted a dirt bike really bad so my dad took me to my friends house so I can ride his and when I got on it the first thing I did was pop a wheelie and I was scared and that when my dad said you are getting one but I was scared so when I got one my dad told me to ride as much as possible so I can counter the fear.
  • First time driving

    First time driving
    I started to drive at a pretty young age just around the parking lot and my mom and dad would switch of and I loved to drive I finally got my drivers license and my parents got even more scared then I bought my first car and my dad was so happy but my mom was terrified.
  • The day I had to put my dog down

    The day I had to put my dog down
    This was one of the saddest days of my life I had to go to school and my mom took him to the vet so they can put him down because he started to get super aggressive and no one wanted to cut his hair and everyone was scared of my dog.
  • Second dog

    Second dog
    I am a big dog person I love dogs and after we put my first dog down I figured I wanted another companion to travel the world with me and see new things so I got another dog he is a golden doodle and his name is Milo he is a big dog and he is super energetic he loves to play and loves little kids he is also a amazing guard dog.
  • Critical thinker

    Critical thinker
    I am a critical thinker because when I am in tricky situations I can find the way out of them on my own or they to figure it out before I ask someone.
  • First job

    First job
    I started working for uncles company to figure out what I want to study in college so I do different things to see what I like to do so far my favorite thing is accounting and I feel in love with it.
  • Adventurous

    I have been adventurous since I was a little boy my parents would always take me on hikes and I feel in love with nature and now I ask my parents to go and we get into a car and now I keep taking my dog everywhere.
  • Yearly trip

    Yearly trip
    Each year we have a trip with our whole family that one week in may on memorial day we go camping to Green Lake Wisconsin and each year we do this and it is so much fun we bring all our dogs and we just fish and chill for 3 day with the whole family.
  • work ethic

    work ethic
    I learned work ethic and still trying to grow on it because I work for my uncles company and trying to get new knowledge.
  • Flexible

    I am flexible because I have a lot of things in my schedule but if it is super important then I can be flexible and try to work around it and make space for it.