Digital Timeline

By xen's
  • Birth

    My grandma helped my mom give birth on me in our home. I was born in our house
  • Flexible - First got into dancing

    Flexible - First got into dancing
    It was at least 3rd or 2nd grade when I got involved in the class dancing competitions and I realized that dancing was so fun and I took it on as a hobby
  • Artistic - Got into Singing

    Artistic - Got into Singing
    Practically my entire family knows how to sing especially my sister who was literally the neighborhoods diva when she was in elementary(she's 23 now) and after actually learning all that I thought It would be cool if I start doing it too but did not get the same genes as everyone else but I think i'm still not bad.
  • Got into an accident

    Got into an accident
    We were walking towards the cemetery for my grandmas funeral(similar to what they do in New Orleans) and I had 2 hours of sleep and I started dozing off next to the van carrying my grandmas casket. I opened my eyes and I noticed the wheel gong up to my knee and the car just kept going up and down and it shattered a piece of my ankle
  • Moved to U.S in 2018

    Moved to U.S in 2018
    I was 11 when our paperwork was finally finalized and my grandpa helped me, my sister, brother and dad get our visa and it was so weird because when we arrived it was a ton of snow and I was surprised to actually feel snow myself.
  • started 7th grade

    started 7th grade
    I was 12 and I started to go to Riley middle school which was hard since its my first american school but my english was good so I managed
  • changed school to smyser

    changed school to smyser
    We moved places to live in and I changed schools in the process and I met a lot of new people and became friends with them even until now. and its actually where I started to start thinking about my identity.

    We were doing a project presentation about different countries and I got afghanistan and I was nervous because I was doing it alone and I wished I wouldn't have to do it then smyser went on a lockdown because of covid
  • Imaginative - Started reading books

    Imaginative - Started reading books
    Ever since COVID, I was just so bored and started reading comics(more specifically webtoons) and I was really into one of them and couldn't wait for more chapters so I downloaded the Light Novel and that's when I started downloading more books into my phone to read
  • Went to a vacation to the Philippines

    Went to a vacation to the Philippines
    My sister took me to see my homecountry for the first time in years. We only went home because of my grandpas death
  • Analytical

    At the start of freshman year during online classes, I was bored and started analyzing people first and I got way too used to it now it makes academics overcomplicated and it makes me overthink things but my assumptions about people are mostly right
  • Xen - Identified to a preferred name

    Xen - Identified to a preferred name
    I did not like the name John so I researched names that is non-binary and as I was scrolling I picked a bunch of names and tried to call myself those names and the only one that stuck out is Xen.
  • Non-Binary - Identified as non binary

    Non-Binary - Identified as non binary
    Being a "man" wasnt comfortable enough for me especially after I learned there are other genders out there. I went from being a genderfluid, agender to being Non-Binary. Non-Binary is just a gender that is neither man or woman but just in the middle. Its kind of similar to a "unisex".
  • Death of my Dad

    Death of my Dad
    Basically like after exactly a year after my grandpa died, my dad was declared brain dead and they cut off the chord keeping him alive which is days before fathers day
  • Cool, Calm and Collected.

    Cool, Calm and Collected.
    I don't really know when I started just being calm all the time but I can stay calm through a lot of pressure with no problem even when I know i'm in trouble or getting scared, I can still think rationally and my mind is not in shambles
  • Fast Learner - Learned how to drive

    Fast Learner - Learned how to drive
    Drivers Ed just ended and I was learning how to drive at least like 3 times a month and it actually didn't take long for me to get the hang of it.
  • Thoughtful - Became a writer

    Thoughtful - Became a writer
    I've written down a lot of ideas to write but I never actuially started writing them until I started getting into books when I thought I should start writing too. Started writing in august 2022
  • Starting at taft

    Starting at taft
    It was freshman year and my first time doing online class and I just got back from the philippines vacation and I was currently in Lake Tahoe while the whole california fire was going on and I would wake up at 4:30am just to get to my first period class online and that went on for at least a week. I even did a class in the Las Vegas airport and the San Francisco airport.
  • Got a dog

    Got a dog
    After months of my sister saying she wants a dog, she finally got one and its a shih tzu poodle and he's actually a cute dog. I still would've preferred a cat though.
  • Athletic - Picked up dancing again

    Athletic - Picked up dancing again
    I used to dance a lot and won school competitions(with my class) for years and it was fun until I moved to U.S in 2018 when I stopped dancing and I finally started dancing again.