Nick's timeline

By NAdamus
  • My Birth

    I was the second child to be born in my family. I was also the firs boy. My parents knew I was gonna be a little troublemaker because I always caused a havoc in my household, but I think that's what first born sons are supposed to do. I haven't been bad I just always got into stupid trouble. Like breaking a window with a ball, being too loud when I am on the game, wrestling my neighbors dog, or burning my mac and cheese when I made it. Also when I was born my Mom wanted to name me Nathaniel.
  • Caring

    I have an older sister, a younger sister(sophomore), and my youngest brother. When my younger brother was born I had to learn to be more caring towards him. Not too many people have a brother, and having ne is something I cherish. I had to learn to take care of him, have arguments with him, do school work with him, and play with him. These are all good memories I have and will continue to make many more.
  • Hockey

    When I had turned 4 my dad signed me up to play hockey. I had no experience what so ever but I taught myself. I loved the sport of Hockey and will forever carry on my love. But sadly I quit when I got older and regret that decision. Hockey felt free to me, it gave me joy, energy, excitement, and I still dabble in a little hockey there and there, but playing everyday is something that brings me joy.
  • Tragic Ear Injury

    When I was 6, my family took me to a waterpark. I was very small at the time but was a hell of a swimmer. When I went into the whirlpool I slammed my head into the wall and had split my ear open. I didn't fuss over it until they said I had to get stitches. Thankfully I didn't get stitches but I do take more precautious steps before making a decision.
  • Inquirer

    I have questions I ask everyday and I am still interested in many subjects. But I think the first time I had the most questions was when my great grandfather died. It was very unexpected and I was very young when it had happened.
  • Risk Taker

    I haven't really had life changing risk but they do set a different pace if you know what I mean. I had to quit many sports in order to focus on one main sport. This would help me become better at one sport and will also keep me healthy so I don't get injured playing another sport.
  • First Holy Communion

    In the second grade I had gotten my First Holy Communion. This is an important event in my life because I felt devoted into what I believe. My family and friends were proud of me and I was excited to open up this new chapter in my life.
  • Communicators

    Since my siblings and I were old enough to stay at he house by ourselves we had to become better at communicating. We had to let each other know who is picking up who. What time my siblings need to be at places, and what we will eat after school.
  • Knowledgeable

    During the time of 5th grade, we had increased our amount of homework and we had harder tests. This allowed me to push harder to getting a better grade and always staying at the top of my grades. I put the focus towards my studies so that I can become the best.
  • Disney World

    My family and I had gone to Disney World for our family vacation. This was my first time on an airplane and I have never been more thrilled in my life. This trip made me realize how much fun it is to spend time with my siblings and bond with them
  • Safari

    My family and I took a trip on a safari. This was a cool experience to see the wildlife and culture they had in Morocco. One thing I don't really miss was how hot it was.
  • My first paycheck

    During the spring time of 2018 I had saved up all my money from birthdays, Christmas, or anything that was given to me. When I started working I put in all my time working on the computer and had gotten my first check of 8,000. This had encouraged me to work even harder and become successful.
  • Thinker

    I will always remember the first PSAT I took. It was after new years and I had not studied at all what so ever. I took it a Lane and it smelled in there. But taking the psat was the most challenging, most boring, and the longest waste of time in my life. But in the end I had to think and overcome all the thoughts in my brain to focus what I had to accomplish
  • Covid-19

    Covid was a rough time because I had been trapped inside. But I was outside more than others. During this time I had learned a lot. I had studied more, I ate more, and I fumbled my first dime. Covid felt like the longest spring break to me and would not want to get into another pandemic. I am thankful for this to happen because it has made me who I am today, which is more lenient and more relaxed.
  • Principled

    When I had graduated 8th grade I had learned to be more independent. Since I was going to high school I needed to become more reliable on myself. I had decided to ground myself more and understand how to make my life more principled going into high school in order to become the best version of myself.
  • Reflective

    Becoming more reflective also had influenced me when I graduated from 8 grade. Since my friends and I had learned a lot together growing up we became more reflective on people decisions and to their learning experience. Having others reflect what we've gone through shows how we have improved on becoming ourselves and will shape us to become a better person.
  • Reflective

    I have been reflective when I went to my second funeral. It was an Uncle of mine. But since I was older I understood more. Seeing my family in pain open my mind to becoming more reflective and taking in all the things I have for granted
  • My first Car

    When I had gotten my drivers license my parents had given me the family mini-van. I loved it with all my heart. It was beige and had carpet everywhere, but it smelled like cigarettes. I had named it Tortuga because of how slow she was, but that car fit all of my friends and it fit all the girls.
  • I took my parents to Jamaica

    During the summer I took my parents to Jamaica. I had to gift my parents with a trip since they deserved it. In my life I always want to make my parents proud and after I had saved up money I took my parents and I to Jamaica where we drank from coconuts and visited the beautiful scenery
  • Open-Minded

    In my sophomore year of High School I had learned to become more open minded. With meeting new teachers and new friends I had learned that it is easier to talk with others when you learn more about them. Staying open-minded and listening to what they say help for better communication and makes both people more comfortable.