Digital Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born on January 3rd, 2006 in Resurrection Hospital. I'm the first born of me and my sister. I was 6 pounds and came out with a lot of hair.
  • First Day of Preschool/School

    First Day of Preschool/School
    My first day of school was a very special day that I do still have memories of. I sat down next to this girl that I became friends with until 8th grade. It was something very valuable, as stayed at that middle school al the way until 8th grade where I made so many memories, and it was such a goof experience for me to grow up in.
  • My sister being born

    My sister being born
    I was only 5 when my sister was born, but I remember thinking my mom was able to choose what gender the baby would be, and I told her I wanted her to have a girl and she did. As a kid, I remember feeling the attention was taken away from me, but now I'm so grateful she's in my life for the happiness she's brought me.
  • My First Communion

    My First Communion
    This was a special event in my life as it really opened my religion to God up, and had me be open minded to what was being brought and gifted to me as a young girl that has grown with me to this day
  • Family trip to Disney Cruise

    Family trip to Disney Cruise
    I will always consider this vacation one of my favorite trips as it was so memorable and I got to cherish a great amount of quality time with my family. There was so many indelible memories that I cherished during that trip, with it having so much we were able to do.
  • Starting playing basketball

    Starting playing basketball
    The first time I was on a basketball team was in 6th grade, where I played other sports, but found basketball was the one that called me the most. I think this period was an valuable time in my life, as it started a passion for me that has grown so much ever since, where I've been playing all these years, and have now become on the Taft varisty team.
  • Breaking my ankle

    Breaking my ankle
    This was a main event in my life that formed me into the strong person I am today. It was a dreadful experiences, but I can say it helped me realize the durable person I am with getting through things. It really tested my ability of strengthness physically and mentally, and mentally showed me how I'm able to fight through things and get back on my feet.
  • Meeting my boyfriend

    Meeting my boyfriend
    In December 2019, I met Dominic, who I've been datig to this day ever since. I'm so greatful for this day because he became the number one petrso in my life and my bestfriend. We met at our church school St.Priscals as such a condience. I'm forever greatful for this day.
  • First Bulls Game

    First Bulls Game
    This year I went to my first Bulls from my parents buying me tickets for my birthday for my dad and I to go together. It was such an amazing expereicne even though they lost against the Grizzlies, it was such an enjoyable and memorizing event to see in person.
  • My first job/ getting my drivers liscnese

    My first job/ getting my drivers liscnese
    I consider both of these things as one of the greatest accomplished I have accomplished, as I both consider them something that relates to me getting older and mature. I've learned a lot out of both of these experiences and have loved having the opportunity to have these things to do in my life.
  • HardWorking

    I can consider myself hardworking, as I've always put my best effort into getting everything done that I need to do, and creating a mindset that get's everything done even if I have to push my limits for it
  • Caring

    I have defentily always been an overcaring person as I care deeply for people even if they're not that close in my life. I've always wanted to make sure everyone is happy, and that I could do anything even little, to make someone feel appreacited and loved.
  • Intelleigent

    I beleive I've always been intelligent, in school espeically, as I've grown up with being more ahead than others, as I've used my knoweldge to help me sucess all throughout the years from me wokring hard for my grades
  • Funny

    when i become comfroabtle with someone, i beleive i could be funny as I am comfroatble with their surroundings and presense to be myself
  • Flexible

    I am a very flexible person when coming to things that need to be adjusted or change. I'll always be understanding and flexible to do what is needed to work the best
  • Patient

    When coming to being understanding, I'm always patient for what I have to wait for, or what is to come my way. I learned that being patient is what gives you the best things in life mainly, instead of forcing and pushing things on myself or others
  • Orgainzed

    I have a trait of being very orgzined with everything in my life I beleive. I can't go on with my day wihtout making a checklist of what I have to do in my day, or of homework for example. I always make sur eeverything is neat as well or else I'll go crazy
  • compassionate

    Growing up espeically, I've become very compassionate for the things I work for, but also the ones I love. I always want to show the most lobe I can with having so much compassion for the ones that make me happy
  • Kind

    I would consider myself a little to kind sometimes as i've always been someone with much respect and kindness to anyone in my life. I treat everyone how I think they deserve to be, and want to bring everyone kindness cause I think it can simply make someones day
  • Commited

    when it comes to work enviorment, or something I'm passionate for like basketball or school, I put all my all into it and never give up until I'm sastified. Those things have me commited to bieng consient of my best work for it and feeling quitting is never an option