Initial needs assessment survey completed
First Digital Media certificate program semester courses launch
Second Digital Media Certificate program semester begins
Twenty students graduate with Digital Media Certificate
Sneak Peek Open House held
Third Digital Media Certificate semester opens
Bootcamp multimedia training given to Fronteras reporters (KPBS)
SDSU Digital & Social Media Collaborative forms; advisory board meets
SDSU DigiMedia.org launches along with social media presence
DigiMedia Open House held
Fourth semester of DigiMedia courses begin, Photoshop and Advanced Social Media added
DigiMedia co-hosts Social Media Symposium with Nuffer, Smith, Tucker
JMS faculty begin working on proposal to offer 1 unit classes for current SDSU students
Two more sections of Beginning & Advanced Social Media added
DigiMedia co-hosts media careers panel at Alumni Center
DigiMedia co-sponsors Sony Social Media Camp
DigiMedia co-sponsors Interactive Day San Diego
Mac Basics class and Photoshop added for summer semester