Digital Personal Identity Timeline

  • Born/ Thankful

    Born/ Thankful
    September 17, 2005, was the day I was born and brought into this world in Suwalki, Poland. It's one of the most important days of my life because I was brought into the world by my parents and was loved. I am thankful for this moment that I was able to be brought into this world by my mom that I love, and my dad that I grew as strong relationship with. Without them I wouldn't be here where I am today.
  • Moving to the U.S.

    Moving to the U.S.
    On June 16, 2006, not even being one year old, my family and I move to America. My mom and dad decided that it would be the best for my future and then my sister who was born later. My mom and dad made a sacrifice for me so then I can have a better life. This showed me how risk-taking my parents are and showed me what type of a person I want to be, which was just like them.
  • Athletic

    On June 9 2010, was the day when I fell in love with soccer and sports in general. I remember the ball that my dad gave me as a early birthday present which was the 2008 euro ball. The first kick that I made I fell after I made it, but since that day I have played soccer each day throughout my life. From that day on I became an athlete and have been athletic my whole life. I fell in love with soccer through my grandpa and dad, and since then I have always watched games that are club and country.
  • First Soccer Game

    First Soccer Game
    On May 14, 2011, was the first soccer game that I got to play in front of my family. I played for eagles fc. It was a special moment for me, and I still remember it to this day, the day where I got to play in front of my mom and dad and got to even score a goal in my first game.
  • Loving

    On June 6, 2012, was the day my sister was brought into this world, and I became an older brother for her. She was born in Resurrection Hospital, and this was the first time that I got to love a younger sibling and took on the responsibility of loving and taking care of her. Since that day, I have helped her in her schoolwork, got to be an older protective brother, and formed a great bond.
  • Euro 2012 Poland vs Greece

    Euro 2012 Poland vs Greece
    On June 8 , 2012 right after my sisters birthday me and my dad traveled to Warsaw, Poland, so my dad and I could experience the opening game between Poland and Greece which ended in a 1-1 draw. I remember this moment to this day and I a thankful for my dad for taking us and getting to accomplish one of my dreams, to watch the Poland national team play and my favorite player Lewandowski.
  • Open-Minded/ Chess

    Open-Minded/ Chess
    The first time I got to experience and play chess was during spring break in 2014. My dad who learned to play from his grandpa wanted me to try and understand the game and play chess so I can then teach others and play with others. At first I was hesitant and told my dad that I didn't want, I gave it a couple of days and then decided to give it a try and ever since, in my free time I play chess with my dad and sibling.
  • Dependable

    The summer of 2014, I was relied on and my mom gave me the responsibility to take care of my sister and babysit her. At first I was scared because I never experienced babysitting anyone, but my mom said that she believed in me and said that I could do it and if anything happened just to call her. Luckily nothing happened and very since I have always taken care of my sister and showed my mom that she can depend on me.
  • Caring

    October 10 was one of my most stressful days. While my dad was at work working on the ladder, as he was coming down he had a fall and injured himself badly along with other coworkers. He was taken to the hospital and nothing severe injuries occurred but he was told that he needs care and he needs time of work. After that I made sure that I took care of my dad and made sure he got proper care and he could be back to 100 percent. I made sure he took his meds and he could rest properly.
  • Thoughtful

    On June 25th 2016, was my uncle's birthday. The same day Poland was playing against Switzerland in the Round of 16, and I decided to try and get him a ticket to the game because he always wanted to go to one. I talked with my parents and convinced them to give him this present and when I handed him the early present a week before the game, he was shocked and joyful which made me so happy.
  • Organized

    The week right before school my family and I were going on a camping trip along with other family members. My mom told me that I was responsible and needed to organize my first suitcase and bags for the first time. At first I was overwhelmed but then when my mom told me that I was responsible for it, I went straight to my closet and made sure that I got all the clothes that I needed. I made sure I had everything and even helped my sister.
  • Adventurous

    The beginning of July was the first week of my road trip that me, my parents and my other foamily members set out for. I was really looking for this road trip because I love travelling nd especially we got to go to one of my dream places which was San Francisco, ever since a young age I have always wanted to go to California and San Francisco, and when we got there I was speechless. The city, the weather, the different types of attractions were amazing.
  • Honest

    August 8th 2020, was one of the hardest days of my life, because I was moving back to Poland with my family. It was hard for me, and my mom always asked me what I was feeling, and I told her that I was fine. Then days before our flight, I told my mom the truth and told her that it was hard leaving everything back. She understood and was happy that I told her the truth about how I felt.
  • Making the academy team in Poland

    Making the academy team in Poland
    February 18th was one of my happiest days in my life. I made a academy team in Poland named Sparta Augustow 03-04, which was a dream of mine making a professional academy. It was a long process and took a lot out of me, but it showed me what it takes to be better and what it takes to make an academy team. I got to share this moment with my mom and dad and I was thankful.
  • Scoring my first academy goal

    Scoring my first academy goal
    Scoring my first academy goal gave me an unbelievable feeling. It was my first game starting as well and it was one of the most important games of the season. We were playing against the 1st place team in the table and we needed to win the game if we wanted to win the league later on in the season. It was the 78th minute and it was a draw 0-0. It was a counter attack and with a pass from my teammate I was one on one with the keeper, I shot it bottom right and it went in. It was an amazing.
  • Winning the title

    Winning the title
    On May 5th, I got to experience winning a title. It came down to the final game of the season. We were playing the 6th best team in the league who was 6th place, and all we needed was a draw. It was a draw until the 60th minute, but then we got a penalty due to someone hitting the ball with their hand in the box. After we scored the penalty, we survived and won the game 1-0. The moment after the whistle was blown was amazing and a feeling you can't recreate.
  • Moving back to America

    Moving back to America
    On August 24th, 2022, my family and I decided to move back to Poland. Again, this was a hard decision. I was playing academy soccer, like I wanted to, and just won the league, but my family decided to move back. It was hard leaving my family that I had in Poland, but it was one of the hardest decisions that my family made, but I'm thankful for them for every decision they have made for me, and I didn't complain.
  • Going to My First Bulls Game

    Going to My First Bulls Game
    Just two months after coming back to America, I was still adjusting to being back and going to high school in America but going to my fist bulls game was really amazing. It was a surprise by my friends that they planned, and I couldn't thank the enough. I couldn't believe that they decided to get me tickets and go with me to the game. We got to experience an amazing game and we got to experience the Bulls win. We got to meet a bulls legend Toni Kukoc and Artis Gilmore.
  • Getting Injured

    Getting Injured
    On September 12, 2022, was one of my most painful and stressed-out days. I was at practice on onto into our varsity soccer season for Taft, and I deflected the ball in practice in the air and as my right ankle was coming down, it rolled over and put all my pressure on it and heard a snap. Right there I knew it was really bad. I couldn't walk and felt pain non stope. Then I went to the ER and figured out that I tore 4 ligaments and had a bone bruise and was out the rest of the season.
  • City Chmapionship

    City Chmapionship
    October 13th was a day to make history for Taft. It was the second time, that a Taft Varsity team has ever made a City Final, and we were going up against Solorio. Unfortunately, I was out and was on the sideline, but I was there supporting the team. The game was also on tv on the channel, The U. We were winning the game at 1-0 but then conceded late for 1-1 we then lost on penalties and claimed second place. Unfortunately, it wasn't a feeling that you like to feel, but we'll come back stronger.