Digital Life Map

  • Birth

    Right before I was born, I moved in just the right way that the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, meaning i almost died before I was ever born.
  • Almost hit by a car

    Almost hit by a car
    My grandma was taking care of me in her house and a driver drove their call through her wall a few rooms away from where we were. The concept of near death experiences became more prevalent to me as a I got older. It helped me look on the bright side more.
  • Grandma diagnosed with alzheimer's disease

    Grandma diagnosed with alzheimer's disease
    My grandma was diagnosed with alzheimer's and soon came to where she was unable to remember me. This affected me because it was the first time I had any experience with how terrible this disease is.
  • Knocked 4 front teeth out on a bicycle

    Knocked 4 front teeth out on a bicycle
    I was riding my new bike around in my house when I drove it over a large cord and it fell over. I went teeth first into the wooden floor and knocked 4 of them out. This was my first major accident as a kid.
  • Cat died

    Cat died
    My cat died and at the time I did not really understand the concept of anything dying and this was my first experience with that.
  • Dog died

    Dog died
    My dog, who my parents had had since before I was born, died. This dog had been with me for my entire life before this and it was the first time that something that had been in my life for so long had died.
  • Grandma died

    Grandma died
    My grandma died a week before Christmas in 2011 and it was the first time I had ever had a family member die. It made me realize my grandparents were not going to be around forever and to value my time with them.