Period: to
The next 5 years
1 to 1 Technlogy for All
All schools will have one to one computing for all students and teachers. All students will be taught digital citizenship. -
Home to School Technology
home to school technology: parent precautions Students at the middle school will have the ability to take their laptops home to expand the classroom to beyond the four walls of the school and the bells in the school day. Eventually this will expand to all students in the district, K-8. -
Blended Learning, all in
Red Bird Blended Learning Red Bird is a professional development platform out of Stanford University. There are three main modules:Intro to Blended Learning, Tech Integration, and Advanced Blended Learning. Each module has nine tiles with activities that take teachers through the process of implementing blended learning in their classrooms. -
Collaborative Classrooms
Collaborative Classrooms
Teachers will build highly collaborative classrooms that promote learning with technolgy. -
New Rio STEAM School Opens
An Educator's Guide to the "FourCs" The district will open a model steam school with outdoor maker spaces and advanced technology that enhances student learning. -
Highly Effective 21st Century Classrooms
'http://www.nea.org/tools/52217.htm' >An Educator's Guide to the "FourCs"</a><a href='<a Every classroom in the district will have highly effective teachers that implementing strategies that support 21st century learning and studentst are all exhibiting characteristics in the four (5) Cs: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Creativity, and Communication, and Caring. Some of these strategies include, but are not limited to: Blended Learning, Flipped Classrooms, Collaborative Environments with Maker Spaces, Inquiry Based Learning, Global Learning, and more.