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Digital Equipment Corporation

By arp233
  • Founded: Digital Equipment Corporation

    Founded: Digital Equipment Corporation
    Digital was founded by Kenneth Olsen and Harlan Ander
  • First PDP-1 Sold

    First PDP-1 Sold
    Digital’s first computer, the Programmed Data Processor, or PDP-1, was sold in November 1960. The PDP-1 used technology from the developed at MIT (Whirlwind and Lincoln Projects)
  • PDP-8 Launch

    PDP-8 Launch
    First mainframe affordable computers making the PDP-8 the first alternative to IBM and the Sperry Rand Corporation
  • Digital Equipment Corporation Growth

    Digital Equipment Corporation Growth
    The company grew from the years 1960-1970 from 117 employees with $1.3 million in revenue to 5,800 workers generating $135 million in sales.
  • PDP-11 Launch

    PDP-11 Launch
    First computer system to ship separate data communication paths. This was called UNIBUS, it did not use the central processing unit to move data inside the system.
  • European Digital Set-Up

    The DEC set up manufacturing in Europe specifically in Ireland
  • European Manufacturing (Ireland)

    The move to spread business into the European economy paid off when Ireland was admitted to the European Common Market. https://www.referenceforbusiness.com/history2/66/DIGITAL-EQUIPMENT-CORPORATION.html
  • DEC Introduces The VAX Computer

    DEC Introduces The VAX Computer
    This computer is known as one of, if not the best, minicomputer in history. This product gave consumers an option to purchase a low-end or high-end computers. The high-end computers challenged IBMs most powerful mainframes.
  • Developing A Version Of UNIX

    DEC incorporated a version of UNIX into the VAX computer system. This attracted more attention from Universities, expanding DEC market share.
  • Digital Jumps in Sales

    From the UNIX move Digital moved up in the ranks to the number two spot in computer sales only trailing IBM.
  • Period: to

    Decline in Profits

    From the years 1990-1995 Digital did not make a profit at all. This prompted a Board of Directors meeting ultimately removing Olsen as the top executive and replacing him with Robert Palmer
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    Rescission Hits Digital

    Due to the economic recession in the early 1990s Digitals market share declined. The emerging new corporations also started to introduce UNIX making the application more available.
  • Introduction of New Product

    Despite the profitability problems Digital faced. The company still came out with a new product called the Alpha microprocessor. The chip became known as the fastest in the world.
  • Digital Equipment Corporation Downfall

    Digital Equipment Corporation Downfall
    The new Alpha product helped the profitability of Digital. However, the personal computer, minicomputer, and work stations side of the business started to fall apart.
  • Bought out by: Compaq Computer Corporation

    Bought out by: Compaq Computer Corporation
    Digital Equipment Corporation bought out by Compaq Computer Corporation for 9.6 Billion dollars