
Digital Citizenship: Activism and Ways to Get Involved (From Easiest to Most In-Depth)

By gracen5
  • Signing a Petition

    Signing a Petition
    Signing a peteition is an easy way to actively get involved with a topic you are passionate about.
  • Create a Blog or Website

    Create a Blog or Website
    By creating a blog or website, a person can share his or her message among several people with just a few clicks and keyboard strokes. It is useful without being time-consuming.
  • Peacefully Protesting/Raising Awareness in the Streets

    Peacefully Protesting/Raising Awareness in the Streets
    Joining a group of people to peacfully protest or raise awareness for something is a great way to spread an idea.
  • Starting a Club

    Starting a Club
    Starting a school or local club is a simple way to spread a message about an important topic. It urges others to get involved as well.
  • Starting an Interest

    Starting an Interest
    If you are extremely opiniated or passionate about a topic, you could go as far as creating a special interest group through the US government. This would raise awareness and support across a very broad scale, even within the government itself. Some examples of interest groups include the NRA and AARP.