Apr 20, 1368
Mogul dynasty was overthrown, Ming dynasty began and lasted until 1644
Apr 20, 1398
Ming Hong Wu, founder of Ming dynasty, ruled from 1368-1398. Then his son Yong Le took over
Apr 20, 1406
Yong Le began construction of the Imperial City
Apr 20, 1453
Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II broke into what was left of Constantinople.
Apr 20, 1501
Shah Ismail founded Safavid dynasty in Iran and Iraq
Apr 20, 1514
Sultan Selim came to power in 1514, he expanded south-west.
Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and the Arabian Penninsula.
He also conquered Jerusalem, Medina, and Mecca, the 3 holiest cities in Islam -
Apr 20, 1529
The Ottomans were defeated at Vienna twice, in 1529, and 1683. After defeat in 1683 they stopped and left Europe alone.
Apr 20, 1571
Under Suleyman the Magnificent, the Ottomans moved uo the Danube River conquering all of Hungary.
They were stopped by Lepanto from taking naval control of the Mediterranian. -
Shah Abbas ruled from 1588-1629
Persia had "flowering" of the arts during reign of Shah Abbas
After death of Shah Abbas, Safavids started to decline
In 1630, a major epidemic wiped out a lot of people in many areas
Ming Dynasty overthrown. Qing dynasty begins 1644-1911
Qing ruler, Kangxi, took power while still a teen. Ruled from 1661-1722
UNder the reign of Shah Hussien, Afghan people seized the capital of Isfahan
Unhappy peasants launched revolt, White Lotus Rebellion 1796-1804