Diana's Autobiography

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  • Can I eat it?

    Can I eat it?
    I used to have hard-cover books that my mom would read to me in both English and Spanish. She would read to me every day but sometimes I would just look at her and put the corner of the book in my mouth. "No Diana, you can't eat the book"
  • Bedtime for everyone

    Bedtime for everyone
    When I was 4 I read bedtime stories for all of my dolls and stuffed animals. Well I tried to read for them. I was just reading with my eyes closed.
  • Late Start

    Late Start
    I was 6 when I started Kindergarten. I was one of the oldest ones but I was the one who would read to everyone. Well, read with a little help. I still couldn't read super well. Not even in Spanish. Actually, I hated Spanish.
  • Moving up in the reading world

    Moving up in the reading world
    In 1st grade, I was taught how to read better. I was starting to enjoy reading and I finally got the hang of reading Spanish. I still wasn't perfect but I was getting there. I was also taught how to speak, read, and write English separately by a different teacher. I absolutely hated that.
  • No more dumb feelings

    No more dumb feelings
    As I was learning more English and becoming better at it, according to my teacher. I FINALLY FINISHED ESL. I absolutely HATED that class with a passion. It made me feel so dumb because I understood English and knew how to read and write. But oh well. I no longer had to feel dumb.
  • "May the odds be in your favor"

    "May the odds be in your favor"
    In 7th grade I became obsessed with the Hunger Games series. I was so invested in it I would even stay up late reading. This was the book series that made me discover my love for reading.
  • Freedom through books

    Freedom through books
    I read so many books in 8th grade and I just thought that they were pretty cool. I then had the amazing idea to write my own short stories. Then covid hit and I was stuck at home. It was a wired year and I stopped reading and writing for a little while. But then I found an escape through books and writing again.
  • Reading and writing for fun

    Reading and writing for fun
    I kept writing my short stories and also started writing longer ones too. I also kept reading new books and was trying out different genres. I have become happier and I now I do this for fun.
  • Here we are today

    Here we are today
    I still love writing my own stories and I still absolutely love reading. I'm currently trying to finish 3 books this month and I even try going to the book store once a month. I won't say I'm the best reader or writer but I have made major improvements. I'm quite proud of myself for this.