devolpment timeline

By megwes
  • Birth

    I was born on this Day I was 7lbs 15oz.
  • Princess Diana Died

    Princess Diana Died
  • I got my first tooth!

  • Columbine shooting

  • I was potty trained!

  • I went to preschool at St. Marks

  • I took my first swimming lesson

  • 911 happened and I was sitting at home with my grandma

  • My brother Andrew was born!

  • I started Kindergarden at bolin Elementary!

    I started Kindergarden at bolin Elementary!
  • summer olympic in Athens, Greece

  • My Parents got Divorced

    My Parents got Divorced
  • I met my Step-Dad

    I met my Step-Dad
  • Moved to Frisco in 2005 I was in 5th grade

  • I moved to frisco but i still went to plano schools

  • I started 5th grade in FISD

  • I started playing clarinet in 6th Grade

  • President Obama was elected

  • we bought a new house in Frisco

  • I went through Confirmation at my church

    I went through Confirmation at my church
  • Started high school

    Started high school
  • Great Grandmother Died

  • Went to one Direction Concert

    Went to one Direction Concert