Devil in the White City timeline (part 2)

By Ekised
  • Kentucky Medical College doctor admits to body snatching

  • Work begins on Jackson Park

  • Major architects discuss building plans

  • Tests to gauge how well the soil would support the structures begin

    Exact date uncertain
  • Chicago's Mayoral Election

    Hempstead Washburn (R) wins.
  • First building contract given out

    Contract for the Mines Building
  • Jackson Park visited by foreign dignitaries

    Exact date unspecified
  • Work begins on the Mines Building

  • Burnham orders MacHarg to investigate Waukesha springs

  • Burnham comes under fire over structural integrity

  • Burnham claims that the fair will be ready in time

  • Last day Holmes claims to have seen Julia

  • Doyle family moves into Julia's quarters

  • Japan's delegate meets with Burnham

  • Olmstead sets out for England

  • Pumping station demolished

  • M.B. Lawrence and his wife move into Holmes's building

  • McElroy sets out to dig a pipeline from Waukesha

  • Section of the Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building collapses

  • Burnham named director of works

  • Olmstead heads back to America

  • Dedication Day for the Fair

  • Prendergast writes crazed postcard

  • Ferris allowed to build in the Midway Plaisance

  • Holmes again enlists Chappell

  • Blizzard strikes Chicago; Olmstead under a doctor's care

  • Steamer Guildhall sets sail for New York

  • Olmstead dispatches orders to Ulrich