Device timeline

  • The flash drive

    The hard drive is invented making it easy to keep all your files on you at once. Where you can store data and keep information on. Inventor was Shimon Shmueli
  • The Roomba

    Joe Jones had created this device, and it was the robotic vacuum cleaner making it easier for those who cant reach accessible spots or anything especially elders.
  • Skype

    Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis were the creators of Skype a place where you can video call, and talk to people who may live on the whole other side of the planet. Make it easier to keep in contact with people.
  • Iphone

    Created by Steve Jobs the first device that was touch screen and more accessible then other devices that were large and not portable. Made phone calls way more easier than before.
  • Googles driveless car

    Anthony Levandowski was the creator of this machine as it made it easier for people who were disabled for a car to drive and maneuver them around.