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Microbiology Developments
Book is published by Robert Hook about a theory in Microbiology called "Micrographia"
Antony can Leeuwenohek discovered bacteria, free-living parasitic protists, sperm cells, blood cells...
Theodor Schwanna and Matthias Schleiden proposed "Cell Theory"
Donne presents micrographs in France
Erns Abbe published theory of the microscope. The difference between bagnification and resolution has been made. The Formula to calculate resolution is based on wave light theory which he discovered as well.
Ernst Leitz introduced to revolving mount to observe 5 objects.
Homogeneous Optical Path is created in the microscope with oil immersion lens.
Mitosis is discovered by Walther Flemming.
In order to improve image projection, Kohler discovered how to use a light source and condenser postition.
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Lous Pasteur and Robert Koch began to study microscopy and the study of bacteria.
Abbe designes an objective that incorporates red, yellow, and blue into focus. Lense requires 10 or more elements.
Hugh Powell created a new type of lens that could make more powerful objectives.
UV microscope created by Zeiss. The resolution is twice as optimal as Abbe's formula.
Fritz Zernike used the angle of rays in order to view onstained cells.
Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska build first electron microscope which is greater than the resolution in the light microscope.
The phase contrast microscope is created by Dutchman Zernike which made it wasier to contrast in image in a microscope.
Scanning electron microscope is built.
Siemens supplies the first commectially available election microscope.
The system of DIC was patented by Nomarsky. This fulfilled the purpose of contrasting.
The Scanning Probe Microscope which is used by measurng current becomes available for purchase.
The Scanning laser confocal microscope becomes available commercially.
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The microscope continues to advance so people can use the type of microscope with different means of purpose.
The microscope has evolved and Atomic Force Microscope uses force instead of current