I stayed in my mommy's belly for a full term. I came out only a few days early. I was the only planned baby after 3 oops babies, haha. -
First ultrasound
My parents were so excited to see the blob that was me! -
I weighed 6lbs, 8oz. I was a home birth and was born in my living room! -
Making a friend!
Emotional development: I'm pretty sure, even before my mom, my sister was my first relationship. My sister is 14 years older than me, and being that I was the first girl born (after 2 brothers between us), she was SO excited to have a baby sister; she cared for my every need! Amanda was the one to help me know that the world was a fun, safe place. Experiences with her led me to recognize emotions like anger, sadness, joy, and surprise. Picture: Jake, Amanda, Me, Grandma, Tony. -
First steps
Physical Development: I started walkling right on track (according to our study guide). By a year and a half I was slowly making my way to the athletic person I am today. After this I developed very fast, and gained a lot of weight. One would never guess that I weighted about 6.5 lbs at birth!! (This picture is a little before I could walk...but I had to show how big I was!) -
Terrible 2's
Cognitive Development: At the age of two I was talking full sentences; complete with "why" and "no" as my main phrase. I loved using my imagination and playing house and cops and robbers with my brother! Jake was always the cop though, that made me mad. So one time I got to be the cop, I pinned him down and sat on his head. I would definitely say I earned my promotion! -
Physically Active
By the age of 4 I was doing well with my fine motor skills. I definitely was not Picasso, but I was able to stay inside the lines when I colored and was able to pour liquid into my cup without spilling much. I was also playing with dolls often, and also playing ring-around-the-rosie with my neighbor girls. -
Learning how to have relationships
By the age of five I was able to create guide lines for relationships. I knew that it was not polite to stand in front of people and not include them. I also knew I should not stand too close to someone's face and respected their personal space. By this age I was also starting to exclude boys from my social activities, like putting signs on my door saying, "no boys allowed" when I was playing with my girl friends. -
Learning Cognition
At the age of 5 I started being homeschooled. I have vivid memories of learning simple mathematics and Hooked on Phonics. I enjoyed school and was trilled at the accomplishment of finishing my kindergaten textbook! -
Socioemotional Development
I had my first boyfriend when I was 13 years old. We were so "in love." I remember it being so cute to hold hands under the covers and how shy i got to hold his hand in front of my dad.
Having a boyfriend really aided in my independence. This was the first major decision that I made that involved another person. I was able to understand I wasn't the only who could be hurt in the end. -
Physical Development in Adolescence
My family and I went to a little party that our family friends were hosting. I was just playing around when I overheard one of the ladies commenting that I was "all legs." I guess she was right. When I was growing, my legs were always slightly disproportionate to the rest of my body! I wasn't until I was around 16 when my body finally looked evenly proportioned. -
Cognitive Development in Adolescence
Being in my adolescence, I think i am still trying to figure out what I know! On many occasions , I find myself talking to my friends about what I believe. I'm having to stand up for what I think is wrong and right, but at the same time truly forming my standards. I think this is the time in my life where I have thought the most about who i want to become in the future. -
Cognitive: Age 21
Reaching this milestone in ones life causes them to think about how they want to live my life. At this age I would probably be choosing whether I would want to add drinking in my life; yes, no, or socially? And how do I think my life would be impacted by the choice I make? -
Emotional: Age 26
The big day has arrived. I'm walking down the isle lined with rose pedals....my life will be changed forever.
Oh, how romantic!!
When women get married, it is such a huge milestone in their life! It seems like getting married is going to change my emotions and how I react to things while in the process of figuring out how to live with each other. -
Physical: Age 30
As an average adult women, I would probably be paving the rode to my sexual peak which usually happens between the ages of 35-45 (roughly). -
I don't want to have kids too early in life. I assume when I am around the age of 35 I will have created a family of my one and have formed a commitment to take care of my family's needs. -
Because of all the gymnastics I did as an adolescent and young adult, I assume when I turn 40 I will feel in my mid 50's. My bones will already be stiff and i'll be stretching everyday to conpensate for it. -
In my middle adulthood, I hope to have formed an "identity." Not the same identity i formed in my younger years. More like forming whether I am going to be that "sweet grandma" or a "Cranky cat woman." I want my linguistic, interpersonal side to continure to be known, and I want people to know me as a nice woman. -
Physical Development
Definitely by the age of 60 my body will be declining rapidly. All my years of vigorous gymnastics and careless activities will be taking a huge role on my body. I may even have breast cancer, as it runs in my family. -
Socioemotional Dev.
At the afe of 75 I will probably be enjoying the presence of my grandchildren. Making relationships with them and leaving a legacy for myself. -
Cognitive Development
I'm probably suffering from a mild case of dementia. I think it would be fun to be one of those crazy, fun granny's who still are able to function normally in society, but has random outspurts of crazy. I will be such a fun granny.