11 months
Time I toke my first steps.
Piaget's sensorimotor stage.
This is significant because it is when I started to be able to explore my surroundings. I understand the environment and get to touch and feel. -
13 months
My first words were "Nana".
Piaget's preoperational stage.
This stage is significant because I am beginning to put images with words and symbols which build up as a grow through out this stage. -
3 years
Learned to never steal again.
Kohlberg's 1st stage.
The significance of the event was that if i stole, I would get a punishment which I never wanted. So i did whatever to avoid it. -
7 years
Saw that two different bottles had the same amount of water in them.
Piaget's concrete operational stage.
The event is significant because it shows that I am beginning to understand abstract concepts. -
12 years
Solved a complex algebraic problem.
Piaget's formal operational stage. This event is significant because i am starting to put abstract thing together with real world events. -
18 years
Graduated high school.
Kohlberg's 3rd stage.
The significance of this is that is was expected of me and to gain the approval of my family and others. It is also a standard of society to complete and to gain their acceptance. -
30 years
Gets married.
Erikson's stage 6
This event is significant because it shows sense of commitment, safety, and care to be in a long term relationship. It also shows that we are willing to share ourselves rather than to be isolated. -
25 years
Graduate from Law school.
Kohlberg's stage 5.
This event is significant because I believe that rules are needed to maintain social order. They should not be blindly obeyed but should even changed for the greater good of society. Society and people change all the time so I want to help make those changes. -
34 years
First Child.
Erikson's 7th stage.
This event is significant because we get the sense of a bigger picture of working harder and showing that we care. We see to give back to society, we raise children to be a better than we are and are begin part of the community. -
70 years
Have retired and picked up hobbies to fill up my time.
Erikson's 8th stage.
This event is significant because our development has slowed down. We start to reflect on what we have in our lives both positive and negative. By accepting what we have done it leads to wisdom and we begin to enjoy the time we have left.