Developmental timeline

  • Infancy: Emotional Development

    I was a really calm baby and have been told that I had a chill temperament. I barely cried and was generally happy.
  • Infancy: Cognitive Development

    Infancy: Cognitive Development
    As an infant, my family would play peek-a-boo with me all of the time. When they would hide their faces and then come back I would still be surprised even though they did it all the time.
  • Birthday

    I was born on May 15th in Bolivar County hospital in Mississippi.
  • Infancy: Emotional Development

    From the stories of my behaviors and temperament as an infant, I believe that I had a secure attachment to my parents. I did not cry when they would leave me alone and had no behavior problems.
  • Infancy: Physical Development

    I started walking at around 12 months old. I started crawling at a late age but started walking pretty soon after.
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive Development

    Early Childhood: Cognitive Development
    My brother and I loved to play hide and seek with one another. Since I had mastered object permanence, I would understand that even though I could not see him that he was still there.
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive Development

    During the pre-operational stage, I would often overextend one word to describe many different objects. One example of this is that i referred to most animals as puppies.
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive Development

    My interests as a child included my mom, our pet Husky, and my red cowboy boots.
  • Early Childhood: Emotional Development

    My temperament remained the same from when I was a baby. I remained calm and generally had no attitude. I became more sneaky and curious though.
  • Early Childhood: Physical Development

    I got physical exercise every day by playing games outside with my next door neighbor and playing at school during recess. I typically played on the swings and just ran around with my friends. I had a positive outlook on how I got physical exercise because I was not aware that I was exercising and was just having fun.
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive Development

    One way I remember a teacher helping me with language acquisition was in the first and second grade I was placed in a Speech Class. I had trouble producing certain consonants so I would attend a speech class during school a few times a week.
  • Early childhood: Cognitive Development

    I became aware of my intelligence when I was pulled to be tested to be placed in the gifted program at my school. They made me take an IQ test and allowed me in based on my scores. After this, I became more confident in my intelligence and became aware of the idea of logical/reasoning intelligence which was a key part of my gifted class.
  • Adolescence: Physical Development

    I got exercise every day during P.E. class. We were forced to play games and do exercises. At this time, I also played on the school’s Newcomb team and was neutral on the idea of exercise.
  • Adolescence: Physical Development

    I entered puberty at a normal age. Since I started puberty at a normal age, I do not think it had much of an effect on me other than my actual physical development.
  • Adolescence: Emotional Development

    My most important relationship at this time was the one I had with my mom. It would be classified as healthy. We shared many common interests and had good intentions with the relationship.
  • Adulthood: Physical Development

    Currently, I get physical exercise whenever I can. I typically exercise by running on the treadmill. My outlook on exercise is one of neutrality. I don't hate it but can't find much time for it between working and going to school.
  • Early Adulthood: Emotional Development

    Sternberg would have classified my relationship with my boyfriend as one that fulfills his triangular theory of love. It has the important elements of passion, intimacy, and commitment.
  • Early Adulthood: Emotional Development

    My closest relationship currently is the one that I share with my boyfriend. I would characterize myself as insecurely attached. I become extremely sad and moody when we are separated for small lengths of time and like having him around to keep me happy.