This is the date at which i was born -
Piaget's Preoperational Stage
At 13 months I spoke my first word: Milk. This is a major step in my develpoment showing I am starting to learn and apply. -
Kohlberg’s Theory of Gender Identity
At this time I was placed in a day care where the boys where split up from the girls to sleep. This shows i was starting to understand gender. -
Industry vs Inferiority
At five I was cought stealing cards from pre-school. When cought i cried because i knew it was wrong. This shows my first time of remembering crime and punishment. -
Piaget’s theory: Intuitive thought
At six I was asked to preform my ABC's and count to 100 for my teacher, and if done correctly I would get a sticker, This is important because i started to understand that knowalge is important. -
Piaget’s theory: Concrete operational
At nine I loved to play baseball and would like to throw baseball during my free time; however most of my friends lliked basketball more and wanted to play basketball not baseball. This was important because I learned that others did not have the same view as me and this changed my view of others. -
Erikson’s Theory: Adolescence
At eleven I started Middle school where everyone was diffrent from me and i felt lost. This is important because this is where i started looking for my idenity. -
Kohlberg’s Moral stages: Stage 3: Good interpersonal relationships
At twelve I was playing football and broke a kids leg to where the child had to be carried off the field. I remember being upset to the point to where i was going to cry because most of my teammates where patting me on the back. This is important because i started to get an idea for goodmoral behavior and what was just. -
Kohberg's Morality stages: conventional stage 3
At fifteen I was playing basketball with some of my friends against some older kids during team sports. We where playing a close game and the older kids started complaining and trying to hurt me. I backed off and didn't cause issues over a fun get together game. This is important because I was able to be a good boy and not lose control of myself.
Paget's Formal Operational stage -
Paget's Formal Operational stage
At sixteen I started playing in advanced level basketball with adults. This is important because, while I struggle physically, my mind is developed enough to understand what plays and moves I need to perform to compete and allow myself the most success. -
Kohlberg's Post Conventional stage
I am currently 17 and captain of my travel abseball team. This is important due to the fact I am in control of my own well being as well as others;therefore, showing a major step forward in my moral development.