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Developmental Timeline

  • Prenatal-Germination Stage

    Prenatal-Germination Stage
    At this stage I am growing from one cell, to 32 in just three days! By the end of week one, I am around 150 cells and that number will just continue to grow rapidly during my first two weeks of existence.
    Physical Development
    cc images posted on flickr by: wellcome images, (title pic) lunar caustic
  • Prenatal-Embryonic Stage

    Prenatal-Embryonic Stage
    I have almost finished the embryonic stage of my journey! In about 7 weeks I have come a long way from a single cell. I have gone from a single cell to having most of my major organs form and I am almost starting to look like a human, an inch long human with what appears to be gills and a tail, but a human none the less.
    Physical Development
    CC image posted on flickr by; Luna Caustic
  • Prenatal-The beginning of the fetal stage

    I am now starting the fetal stage, this is the longest of the prenatal part of my journey lasting from week 8 til birth. Right now it would be appropriate to say I have a big head, because at this point, 8 weeks, it accounts for half of my size!
    Physical Development
  • Prenatal-Middle of the Fetal Stage

    Prenatal-Middle of the Fetal Stage
    Hi, I am about half way through the fetal stage. I have been growing a lot. My head is now only about 1/4 of my total size. I can now swallow and urinate, sorry mom. I have also grown to roughly 4 ounces. I am developing my hands, fingers and even finger nails already. Other people might not be aware that I am in here growing, but my mom has taken notice of some of my moving.
    Physical development
    CC image posted on flickr by;rebbcat
  • Prenatal-End of the Fetal Stage

    Prenatal-End of the Fetal Stage
    So I am almost ready to meet my new family! I have grown to around 7 lbs, I can suck on my thumb and I have even experienced hiccups with no one to scare them out of me. My brain has grown into its two distinct hemispheres, the right and left. I am ready so I turn my head south and prepare for the trip.
    Cognotive and physical development
    CC images posted on flickr by: fekaylius
  • Infancy-First Breath

    Infancy-First Breath
    Well you missed it, but it wasn't pretty so be glad you did. I just made the long journey down the birthcanal and through the cervix. I felt like a renter 3 months late on rent and my mom the tenant decided to evict me! Her womb started contracting on me and shoving towards the door. It was kind of a nice massage though, really got my blood flowing. I got scared when I came out so I let out a huge cry and filled my little lungs with their fisrt breath.
    CC image posted on Flickr by: Jy Meyer
  • Infancy-Bonding

    After I am all cleaned up and handed to my mom. As she draws me in I am instantly soothed and a feeling of security comes over me. She holds me close and I snuggle in closer. I hear another familiar voice, that must be my father. He rests his giant hand gently on my head and I take in a deep breath, getting a sense of both their sentes. We just shared our first bonding experience.
    CC image posted on Flickr by: Plecebo
  • Infancy-Rapid Growth

    Infancy-Rapid Growth
    Well the last five months have flown by and a lot has happened. I have about doubled in weight! My Nuerons are developing and recently had a growth spurt with their synapses and myelinization. Good thing I had been doing some Synaptic Pruning for the spurt. I think this might be what helped me with moving from just Simple Reflexes to Primary Circular Reactions
    Physical and Cognotive
    CC image posted on Flickr by; CrystalSanchez
  • Infancy- Gross and Fine Motor Skills

    Infancy- Gross and Fine Motor Skills
    My physical development has been moving at a very fast pace, In less than a year I have gone from helpless to city and standing on my own. Soon I will be walking to and I will be quiet the handful for my mom. I have learned to command my extremeties with pretty good precision as well. I have learned the Pincer Grasp already.
    Image posted on Flickr by: LizMarie_AK
  • Infancy-Almost a Toddler!

    Infancy-Almost a Toddler!
    My My My MaMa's how time flies. Soon I won't be your little baby anymore. So much has happened in almost 2 yrs time. I have gone from helpless to showing indepence. I can walk, run, sing and dance. I love to talk and play games with you, and I have even got use to meeting new people. I love my reading group and hanging out with some peers. Don't blink, because I dont plan on slowing down any time soon.
    Physical, Cognotive, and Socio-emotional
    CC image posted by: Me
  • Toddlerhood-Empathy

    Today I saw my brother crying and this made me very sad. I did not like to see my brother upset, and was inturn upset myself. I went to him and hugged him and told him I loved him. He smiled and told me thanks. I think it helped because he stopped crying and soon we were both playing again.
    CC image posted on Flickr by;
  • Toddlerhood-Smiling

    Well, it may not sound big to you, but I have now mastered smiling and use it to communicate my positive emotions. I use to smile at everything, I mean everything, not just people but objects too. Now when I am happy, I know just how to show it, with my huge and mostly toothy grin!
    CC image posted by: Me
  • Toddlerhood-Self Awareness

    Toddlerhood-Self Awareness
    Today my mom was playing a game with me and she asked me to do something too hard. I really wanted to do it, but no matter how I tried I just was not able to. This made me frustrated and self conscious, and I began to cry a little. My mom reassured me and simplified the task to something I could do, which made me happy!
    Cognotive and Socio-Emotional
    Image posted on Flickr by: NouQraz
  • Toddlerhood-Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

    Toddlerhood-Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
    I love my mom, but sometimes I just need my own space. I love that she trusts me to run around a little on my own and it makes me feel more responsible. She even let me start brushing my teeth on my own, and choosing my own clothes to wear. Growing up is Great!
    Cognitive and Socio-Emotional
    Image posted on Flickr by: MJM Photographie
  • Toddlerhood-Physical Development

    Toddlerhood-Physical Development
    I have grown so much. I am about 3 ft tall, I weigh between 3-4 times what I did at birth, I went from simple running and jumping, to hopping on one foot, I can almost skip, I do somersaults, sometimes I like to walk backwards, and as far as my singing skills, they have advanced too. I can remember the words of some of my favorite songs and sing them on my own.
    Physical and Cognotive
    CC image posted on Flickr by: Wooly Matt
  • Early Years-Lunch Time

    Early Years-Lunch Time
    Now that I have grown a little my mom is giving me more freedom in picking what I eat. Each day she gives me choices of what we have and I get to choose what I want. It is so exciting, most the time I discover new foods that are quite enjoyable, but sometimes they turn out to be pretty icky, I love edamame and hummus, but I am not very fond of blueberries.
    CC image posted on flickr by: Sean Dreilinger
  • Early Years- Nightmare

    Early Years- Nightmare
    Today I had a very rough morning. I was being chased by a dog that wanted to bite me and just when he was going to catch me I was suddenly in my moms arms crying. She explained to me that I had just had a bad dream and that it wasn't real, you could have fooled me though.
    Cognotive Socioemotional
    CC image posted on flickr by: Sharron Drummond
  • Early Years- Major Illness

    Early Years- Major Illness
    Today at preschool I was very sad. Our teacher was crying when she told us that a class mate of ours wouldn't be in school for a while because he was being treated for a very serious illness, Leakemia. She went on to say that thanks to advances in medical science he was probably going to be ok, but it is still very dangerous. I hope he is ok.
    CC image posted on flickr by: Cbucky
  • Early Years- TV

    Early Years- TV
    I recently became interested in the Family TV. My mom has gotten so strict with whats aloud to be on TV when I am in the room. I miss the bright lights and action of the ninja shows my older brother use to watch but I have a lot more fun with the shows my mommy puts on like Dora the Explorer and Sid the Science Kid, they ask me questions and teach me about new things.
    CC image posted on flickr by:
  • Early Years-Play

    Early Years-Play
    When I first started at my school, I liked to play by myself, with cars and other things just moving them around, no real goal in mind. As school progressed I started watching the other kids play more and more, and eventually I joined in. Now I am running around with a different groups of kids everyday and playing all different games
    Cognotive and Socioemotional
    CC image posted on flickr by: Max Harris
  • Middle Childhood-Asthma

    Middle Childhood-Asthma
    My best friend has Asthma, its this disease that makes it hard for her to breath sometimes. When we are in PE at school she sometimes has to sit out because of it. I feel bad for her because I know it makes her upset sometimes, she really likes PE and the games we play. Sometimes she uses an inhaler and that helps her but our teacher still encourages her to take it easy for a little while.
  • Middle Childhood-Internet

    Middle Childhood-Internet
    Today my mom went over internet safety with me now that I have my own facebook page. She talked about how I should only accept friend requests from people who are actually my friends. That I shouldn't discuss personal things with any strangers. I was like, "Duh".
    Socioemotional Cognitive
    CC image posted on flickr by: aranarth
  • Middle Childhood -Memory

    Middle Childhood -Memory
    Today in class we had fun learning all different kinds of mnemonics. I like them, they make it easier for me to remember things I need to know for school and they are fun. Most of them are rhymes or wrods were each letter stands for another word. The more I can remeber the better I will do on our test and this just made it easy.
    CC image posted on flickr by: US Coastgaurd
  • Middle Childhood-Friendship

    Middle Childhood-Friendship
    Today me and my best friend had a fight. I had told her a secret and she told someone else in class. It made me really mad because I had trusted her and she broke that trust. Later she came and apologized and I could tell she really meant it and felt bad so I forgave her. I am glad we are friends again.
    CC image posted on flickr by:Zalouk Webdesign
  • MiddleChildhood- SelfCare

    MiddleChildhood- SelfCare
    Now that I am getting older my mom said it is time she works more. She says I am big enough to be at home a little while by myself, and she trusts me to do what is right when I am there. Sometimes it is a little scary but for the most part I like having a little me time.
    Cognitive Socioemotional
    CC image Posted on flickr by:Orin Zebest
  • Adolescence-Menarche

    Yea! I get to look forward to roughly 40 years of bloating, bleeding, cramping, mood swings, and surely a few embarrasing moments. Once I have my first child though, I will look back on all of it and know it was worth it. It doesn't hurt that I get to rub it in my partners face that I can handle @10 more dels of pain then him.
    CC image posted on Flickr by: bradcerenzia
  • Adolescence-Stess

    Growing up is hard. I have so much to deal with, between my friends, school, sports, parents, and work I get overwhelmed sometimes. I have tried emotion focused coping and that is helping me with a lot of my stress, but I like meditating best. It gives me time to slow down my mind and analyze and determine how to deal with things that are stressing me out.
    CC image posted on Flickr by: RelaxingMusic
  • Adolescence-Sex

    I have been with my boyfriend for a while now and he wants to go all the way. I talked with my mom about it and she was really easy to talk to, she didn't try and tell me what to do she just encouraged me to wait, gave me some reasons why and also talked to me about the importance of safe sex if I do go ahead. I decided to wait and my boyfriend is ok with that, especially once I told him the cost of a baby!
    Socioemotional, and Physical
    CC image posted on Flickr by: austintatious
  • Adolescence-Operational Thinking

    Adolescence-Operational Thinking
    My mom blames my new development of operational thinking for why I question her and other authorities all the time, and she is right. I love my new understanding of logic and applying it to academics and every day activities as well. Now that I can think outside the box, I don' t want to get back in.
    CC image posted on flickr by: cheerfulmonk
  • Adolescence-MAMA

    Sometimes I am indecisive and I am having trouble figuring out who I am, or want to be. Last year I was really into sports and mostly hung out with the jocks.This year I still really love sports but I enjoy spending more of my free time with my artistic friends. My mom says it is ok, sometimes we have to try on a few outfits before we find the one we like best.
    CC image posted on Flickr by: Samantha Jade Royds