Infancy: Cognitive Development
What was your temperament as an infant? I was a very happy child and considerably outgoing. I liked to be the center of attention and always got what I want. Honestly, I was probably a bit spoiled because if my favorite stuffed animal was taken I would start crying and throw a tantrum. She was a small stuffed cat that I later named Blossom. I had not developed Piaget's theory of object permanence yet so I probably did not realize that Blossom still existed when I could not see her. -
Infancy: Physical Development
When did you begin to walk? My mother tells me that I began walking early at nine months. I was a fast learner at many things. It might of been because I was so eager to talk and walk to people around me. -
Infancy: Emotional Development
Were you securely or insecurely attached to you parent or caregiver? When I was a baby I definitely was securely attached to my mother. I'm told that I would always look at other people, including strangers, until they showed me attention. I loved interacting with other members of our family and was very outgoing. One day my mother took me to her office and I walked around to meet everyone all on my own. -
Became a Big Sister
Little brother was born -
Early childhood: Cognitive development
What is one way you remember a parent or teacher acting in a way that you know helped your language acquisition?I remember when I was very young, maybe five, and my dad would constantly be improving my vocabulary on the way home from school.He would point to random signs and ask me to read it. I would guess what it meant and he'd tell me the meaning. It was a fun little game and it helped add to my vocabulary. Piaget called it the "intuitive substage" because I was intuitive and ready to learn. -
Early childhood: Emotional development
How did your family and friends describe you as a child? Was your temperament the same or different from your infancy temperament? My temperament in my early childhood was about the same as when I was an infant. I was a silly, extroverted child around my family and close peers. I started to become more shy around strangers and less curious. I only wanted to impress the people that I had closer relationships with. For example, I would try on outfits and model for my mother when I was about six. -
Early childhood: Cognitive Development
What sort of interests did you have? When I was little I liked playing with my barbies and watching every single barbie movie that had been produced on my little VHS tape television. I also liked to collect and add to my extensive stuffed Webkins collection and play the Webkins game online. I liked to play pretend and visual scenarios with my toys. I began to think more creatively. -
Early childhood: Physical Development
How often did you get physical exercise?What activities did you do?What were your feelings towards exercise? When I was little I would get most of my exercise on the playground at school which consisted of racing my friends or climbing the monkey bars. In the third grade I started playing softball. It helped develop my gross motor skills with throwing balls and my fine motor skills by practicing different pitches. -
Adolescence: Physical Development
How often did you get physical exercise?What activities did you do?What were your feelings towards exercise? when I was in 4th grade I started taking hip hop dance classes. I was getting a little lazy and hesitant towards exercise but I found this fun. The "popping and locking" dance moves aided in developing my fine motor skills even further. I also started playing volleyball in middle school and I believe it improved my leg coordination and gross motor skills through the continuous spiking. -
Adolescence: cognitive development
The dumb blonde stereotype situation in middle school and how it made me think about how society views less intelligent people as lower importance is an example of Piaget's formal operational stage of thought. I demonstrated abstract thinking and metacognition by reasoning about my thought processes and monitoring them -
Adolescence: Cognitive Development
Describe an experience that made you aware of a concept. What was the concept of intelligence? How did it effect your view of intelligence and yourself?I remember in when middle school started and I started being called a dumb blonde. Not because I wasn't smart but because it was a stereotype that my peer's immature minds thought was funny. It got me thinking about how society views less intelligent people as lower importance. It made me want to be as smart as I can be to prove them wrong. -
Adolescence: Emotional Development
How would Sternberg have described your important relationship in adolescence? I started "dating" sometime in the beginning of middle school. These relationships never lasted more than a month of course. My longest relationship was with a boy named George. I think our love only lasted about two months. Applying Sternberg's theory I would say our relationship includes passion and intimacy but lacked commitment. He would say that we had an infatuation or a romantic love type. -
Adolescence: Physical Development
Did you go through puberty late or early compared to your peers? Did it have a bad effect on you? I think that I hit puberty a bit later than the other girls in my class. Most girls began looking more mature than me earlier. My transition was very gradual with relatively no sudden growth spurts. It was definitely frustrating, It effected my self esteem and kick-started a negative body image of myself. -
Graduated from High School
Early Adulthood: Emotional Development
what is your current closest relationship? Describe the attachment style. What classification of sternebergs relationship is most appropriate now? My current closest relationship would probaby be my best friend, Emily. We spend most of our day together. -
Early Adulthood: Physical Development
How often did you get physical exercise?What activities did you do?What were your feelings towards exercise? Nowadays I've gotten a bit sedentary and don't have much time for exercising. Sometimes I will run on the treadmill or lift weights at the gym but mostly I just hike. I like being outdoors and walking at my own pace. It helps increase muscle tone thereby strengthening my gross motor skills.