Developmental Psychology Timeline

  • Infancy: Birth

    I was born on September 24, 1997 at exactly 12:00 in the morning in Marianna, Florida.
  • Infancy: Language Development

    My first words, according to my mother, were the words "mama," "hey," and "no."
  • Infancy: Language Development

    My first words were "mama" and "no."
  • Infancy: Gross Motor Skills Development

    Activities I partook in to help develop my gross motor skills:
    - crawling
    - learning to walk
    - "scooting"
    - kicking
  • Infancy: Sensory Motor (Piaget)

    Activities I partook in were crawling, crying, and learning to sit up and hold my head up right. I also spoke my first word(s) during this time.
  • Infancy: Emotional Development

    I was a very well tempered infant (extroversion/surgency.) I was a very well behaved and outgoing/happy infant. The environment I was raised in and type of parenting I was exposed to was, for the most part, very expressive and attentive -- thus a relatively wonderful good-to-fit.
  • Infancy: Fine Motor Skills Development

    Activities I partook in order to help develop my fine motor skills:
    - grasping things
    - reaching for toys
    - playing with blocks
    - holding on to objects
  • Early Childhood: Preoperational (Piaget)

    Activities I partook in during this time were things such as scribbling/drawing, walking, holding conversations about trivial things, and playing outside with friends and family.
  • Childhood: Memory Development

    My first memory is of me refusing to take a nap whenever we had nap time in kindergarten.
  • Middle Childhood: Concrete Operations (Piaget)

    Activities I partook in during this stage in life were things like: reading, doing basic math and science, having more abstract conversations with depth to them, understanding conservation and mass (Which has more/is the same.)
  • Early to Late Childhood: Language Development

    Vocabulary Strategies used by parents:
    - flashcards
    - reading to me
    - refusing to simplify what they said around me
    - scaffolding by teaching me to read (with their help)
  • Childhood: Emotional Development

    My mother used emotion coaching with me and my siblings whereas my stepfather used emotion dismissing -- especially with my brother.
  • Throughout Lifespan: Loss and Death

    I have experienced loss three different times in my life-- once with a close family friend, another time with one of my best friends from high school, and lastly my grandfather all within a year of each other. These experiences, although late in my development, still had an effect on it. I was personally in a really bad mental state for those few years and grew very distant from everyone, almost going backwards in my emotional development in a sense.
  • High School Graduation

    I graduated from Oneonta High School on May 26, 2016
  • Started College

    I started college at Millsaps College August 21, 2016 and later transferred to University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2019.
  • Late Childhood-Emerging Adult: Formal Operational (Piaget)

    Activities I partook in during this period are things such as: taking advanced classes, trying to distinguish myself from others, learning to drive, seeking higher education, dating, and forming my own opinions on things such as politics.
  • Adolescence to Emerging Adult: Language Development

    Slang terms used by my friends and I (and their meanings):
    - "Bet" is a term used to say "I agree" or "Challenge accepted" -- depending on the context.
    - "Fam" is short for family and is used on friends that are close to you. It can also be used in a sarcastic sense when one is trying to express annoyance with someone else.
    - "Sus" is short for suspicious and is rather self explanatory.
    - "Lit" is often used in the same context as the terms great or good.
    - "Nah" is another way of saying "No"
  • Childhood-Emerging Adulthood: Fine Motor Development

    Activities that I partook in to help with/involved fine motor skills are as follows:
    - painting
    - writing
    - learning to sew
    - learning to use chopsticks
    - learning to play guitar
  • Childhood-Emerging Adulthood: Gross Motor Development

    Some activities that I partook in that helped/involved my gross motor skills were things such as joining the track team in middle school, dancing, practicing archery, and playing sports such as soccer and tennis.
  • Throughout Lifespan: Emotional Development

    Stress relievers:
    - breathing
    - talking it out
    - writing it down
    - stress balls
    - napping
    - crying
  • Througout Lifespan: Emotional Development

    The attachment I had to my primary caregiver was a rather secure and healthy attachment. This attachment had a fairly positive effect on me and I am now very independent and fairly emotionally stable.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Identity Development

    Emerging Adulthood: Identity Development
    I believe that the results of the "Big Five" personality quiz reflected a fairly accurate representation of who I am. I believe that much of my temperament has stayed the same throughout my life. For example, I still am highly fascinated and love to explore things that before I did not know about. And for the most part, I am fairly open minded and eager to learn new things.
  • Throughout Lifespan: Medical History

    Kidney stones, migraines, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, bone cancer, heart murmur, asthma, manic depressive, schizophrenia, alzheimer's, and dementia
    Ways in which I can prevent much of this is by living as healthy a life as possible and staying active, both mentally and physically.
  • Throughout Lifespan: Memory Development

    Memory Strategies I have used:
    - repetition
    - writing it down
    - saying it aloud
    - association
    - quizzing myself
    - teaching it to someone else
    - skimming over material
  • Emerging Adult: Identitiy Development

    I am currently experiencing identity moratorium. I identify with this identity status because I am currently in the middle of trying to decide where to go to graduate school and whether or not I should go after my PhD or just a masters. I am in the middle of making decisions about the rest of my life.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Senses

    While I am still at the peak of development for majority of my senses, I have had a steady decline in sight since I was 9 years-old. Everything else is still either relatively the same or I just have not noticed the decline due to how subtle the decline is at the moment.I am actually unaware of why this decline took place.
  • Emerging Adulthood: IQ and Memory Development

    Emerging Adulthood: IQ and Memory Development
    My IQ score was 107 (or average.) This was slightly shocking because I have taken the IQ test before and have made marks that were slightly above average and had been placed in advanced classes all throughout middle and high school. I believe the score may have been affected by the fact that I was sick and hadn't had sleep for quite a while.
  • Emerging Adulthood: College

    I am currently attending college as a sophomore after taking a gap year to focus on my mental health and financial status.